Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
Direct access: 宛名 , 映像 , 加入 , 携帯 , 消印 , 交信 , 高速 , 親展 , 受信 , 送信


pronunciation: atena
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication
translation: address (n.), superscription
宛名の人: atenanohito: addressee <<<
宛名を書く: atenaokaku: address (a letter, an envelope) <<<
宛名を間違う: atenaomachigau: put a wrong address <<< 間違
related words: 住所 , アドレス


pronunciation: eizou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication , media
translation: image, (motion) picture, video, reflection, silhouette
映像信号: eizoushingou: video signal <<< 信号
映像文化: eizoubunka: image culture <<< 文化
映像メディア: eizoumedia: audio-visual media
related words: 画像 , 映画 , ビデオ


pronunciation: kanyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication
translation: joining, entry, subscription
加入する: kanyuusuru: enter, join, become a member of, subscribe
加入金: kanyuukin: entrance [membership] fee <<<
加入者: kanyuusha: member, subscriber <<<
加入申込: kanyuumoushikomi: application for admission, subscription <<< 申込
related words: 加盟 , 入会


pronunciation: keitai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication
translation: hand-held (n.), carry (n.), transport
携帯の: keitaino: portable, mobile, handheld (a.)
携帯用: keitaiyou <<<
携帯する: keitaisuru: carry (v.), pack (v.)
携帯食: keitaishoku: field ration <<<
携帯品: keitaihin: one's things, carried object <<<
携帯電話: keitaidenwa: cellular phone, mobile phone <<< 電話
携帯番号: keitaibangou: cell [cellphone, mobile] number <<< 番号
携帯電話ゲーム: keitaidenwageemu: mobile game
携帯型ゲーム機: keitaigatageemuki: handheld game console
携帯ラジオ: keitairajio: portable radio
携帯テレビ: keitaiterebi: portable television
携帯ミサイル: keitaimisairu: portable missile
携帯メール: keitaimeeru: email by mobile phone
synonyms: モバイル


pronunciation: keshiin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication
translation: cancellation stamp, postmark (n.)
消印を押す: keshiinnoosu: cancel with a stamp, postmark (v.), obliterate <<<
related words: スタンプ


pronunciation: koushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication
translation: communication
交信する: koushinsuru: communicate
交信を断つ: koushinnotatsu: cut communications <<<


pronunciation: kousoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train , communication
translation: high speed
高速の: kousokuno: high-speed (a.), rapid
高速道路: kousokudouro: speedway, freeway, superhighway <<< 道路 , ハイウェー
高速鉄道: kousokutetsudou: high-speed railroad [railway] <<< 鉄道
高速列車: kousokuressha: high-speed train <<< 列車
高速輸送: kousokuyusou: high-speed transport <<< 輸送
高速撮影: kousokusatsuei: high-speed photography <<< 撮影
超高速: choukousoku: ultra high-speed <<<
related words: 迅速 , 急速 , 快速


pronunciation: shinten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication
translation: confidentiality (of a letter)
親展の: shintennno: confidential, personal
親展書: shintensho: confidential [personal] letter <<<


pronunciation: jushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication
translation: receipt of a message
受信する: jushinsuru: receive (a message)
受信機: jushinki: receiving set, receiver <<<
受信局: jushinkyoku: receiving station <<<
受信所: jushinsho: receiving office <<<
受信人: jushinnnin: addressee <<<
受信料: jushinryou: (television) receiving fee <<<
受信障害: jushinshougai: (be troubled by) poor reception <<< 障害
受信障害地域: jushinshougaichiiki: poor reception area <<< 地域
受信アンテナ: jushinnantena: receiving antenna
antonyms: 送信


pronunciation: soushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication
translation: transmission of a message [picture]
送信する: soushinsuru: transmit a message [picture]
送信機: soushinki: transmitter <<<
送信装置: soushinsouchi <<< 装置
送信局: soushinkyoku: transmitting station <<<
送信アンテナ: soushinnantena: transmitting antenna
related words: 受信

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