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category: to learn in school
keyword: war , sport
Number of strokes: 5
translation: strike, hit, beat
da, chou, tei
打つ: utsu: strike, hit, beat, knock, smite, hammer, fire, shoot, drive [knock] in, attack, assault, defeat
打たれる: utareru: be struck, be beaten
打ち明ける: uchiakeru: disclose [reveal] (a secret to a person), confide (in a person), confess <<<
打ち落とす: uchiotosu: strike [knock] down, shoot [bring down] (a plane) <<< , 撃墜
打ち返す: uchikaesu: strike [beat, hit] back, return a blow <<<
打ち勝つ: uchikatsu: conquer, overcome, get the better of <<<
打ち砕く: uchikudaku: break (a thing) to pieces, smash up <<<
打ち込む: uchikomu: drive [strike] in, fire [shoot] into, devote [apply] oneself to, be absorbed in, be keen on, smash <<<
打ち殺す: uchikorosu: strike [beat] (a person) to death, shoot (a person) dead <<<
打ち倒す: uchitaosu: knock down, strike down, overthrow <<<
打ち解ける: uchitokeru: open one's heart, be frank [open, candid] (with a person), feel at home <<<
打ち抜く: uchinukuuchinuku: pierce, penetrate, shoot through, stamp out (a coin), punch (a hole) <<<
打ちのめす: uchinomesu: knock [beat, strike] (a person) down, beat (a person) to a pulp
打ち払う: uchiharau: drive away, shake [brush] off <<<
打ち立てる: uchitateru: found, establish <<<
打ち出す: uchidasu: open fire <<<
打ち取る: uchitoru: kill, slay <<<
打ち止める: uchitomeru: kill, shot dead, shot down <<<
打ち損なう: uchisokonau: miss (one's aims, the target), fail hit [shoot] <<<
打ち延ばす: uchinobasu: beat [hammer] out, chin <<<
打ち寄せる: uchiyoseru: roll on, wash (the shore), beat (upon), dash (against), come [march] (on) <<<
打って出る: uttederu: sally out, come out as a candidate (for), run [stand] (for) <<<
打って変わる: uttekawaru: change completely <<<
打って付けの: uttetsukeno: the most suitable <<<
synonyms: ,

category: to learn in school
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 5
translation: merit, feat, deed
kou, ku
功: kou: merit, distinguished services, honor, credit, achievement
功により: kouniyori: for [in recognition of] one's services
功を立てる: kouotateru: render distinguished services, perform a meritorious deed <<<
功を奏する: kouosousuru <<<
功を急ぐ: kouoisogu: be too eager to win fame [success] <<<
功: isao: merits, distinguished services, meritorious deeds <<<
功: tegara: achievement, distinguished services, meritorious deeds

category: to learn in school
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 6
translation: contest, dispute, quarrel, fight, struggle
争う: arasou: quarrel (with a person, about a matter), be at odds with, contend (with a person for a thing), vie [compete] (with a person in doing), fight, struggle
争い: arasoi: quarrel (n.), dispute, argument, discord, feud, trouble, competition, contest
争いが起こる: arasoigaokoru: A dispute takes place <<<
争いの種: arasoinotane: apple of discord <<<
争う: aragau: quarrel (with a person, about a matter), be at odds with, contend (with a person for a thing), vie [compete] (with a person in doing)
争でか: ikadeka: why <<< 何故

category: to learn in school
keyword: construction , war
Number of strokes: 7
translation: enclose, round, surround
囲う: kakou: surround, enclose, encircle, preserve, lay [store] up, keep (a mistress)
囲い: kakoi: enclosure, fence (n.)
囲いをする: kakoiosuru: enclose, fence (v.)
囲い者: kakoimono: kept mistress [woman] <<< ,
囲む: kakomu: surround, enclose, encircle, besiege, lay siege (to)
囲み: kakomi: siege, besiegement
囲みを解く: kakomiotoku: raise the siege <<<
囲みを破る: kakomioyaburu: break through the besieging army <<<
囲る: meguru: go round <<<
related words: , フェンス

category: to learn in school
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 7
translation: soldier, warrior, army, war
hei, hyou
兵を率いる: heiohikiiru: lead [command] an army <<<
兵を募る: heiotsunoru: raise [levy] an army <<<
兵を挙げる: heioageru: rise in arms <<<
兵: tsuwamono: brave, soldier, warrior
兵: ikusa: war, battle <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 7
translation: dyke, dike, defend (ext.), protect, room (bor.), chamber
bou, hou
防ぐ: husegu: defend (against), protect (from, against), ward off, resist, stand against, keep away (off, out), hold in check, prevent, deter
防: tsutsumi: dyke, dike, bank, embankment <<<
防: heya: room, chamber <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 7
translation: disorganize, demoralize, corrupt, disturb, agitate, dishevel, disorder, disturbance
ran, ron
乱れ: midare: disorder, disturbance
乱れる: midareru: go out of order [control], be confused, become disorganized, fall into disorder [confusion], lose one's wits, be demoralized, be lax (in morals), be disheveled, be disturbed, be chaotic
乱す: midasu: put out of order, put into disorder, throw into confusion, disorganize, demoralize, corrupt, disturb, agitate, dishevel
乱める: osameru: govern (conf.), rule [reign] over, manage, pacify, suppress (an uprising) <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 8
translation: force, violent, courageous, spirited, brave, soldier, weapon (ext.)
bu, mu
武し: takeshi: courageous, spirited, brave
武: tsuwamono: brave, soldier, warrior <<<


category: to learn in school
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 9
translation: reject, refuse, repel, retreat, recede, withdraw, retire
tai, ton
退く: shirizoku: reject, refuse, turn down, repel, drive back [away], defeat, keep (a person) away
退ける: shirizokeru: retreat, recede, withdraw, retire (from), leave, quit

category: to learn in school
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 9
translation: army, war, battle, soldier
軍: gun: army
軍を率いる: gunnohikiiru: lead [command] an army <<<
軍の: gunnno: military
軍: ikusa: war, battle <<< ,
軍: tsuwamono: soldier, warrior, brave <<<

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