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Direct access: , , , 水泳 , 水浴 , 背泳ぎ , 潜水 , 平泳ぎ , 水心 , アクア

category: to learn in school
keyword: swimming
Number of strokes: 8
translation: swim, swimming
泳ぐ: oyogu: swim
泳ぎ: oyogi: swimming
泳ぎに行く: oyoginiiku: go swimming, go for a swim <<<
泳ぎ上る: oyoginoboru: swim against the stream <<<
泳ぎ下る: oyogikudaru: swim down the stream <<<
泳ぎ切る: oyogikiru: swim across (a river) <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: swimming
Number of strokes: 10
translation: bath
浴びる: abiru: take a bath, suffer (jp.)
浴びせる: abiseru: pour over, shower over
浴る: hitaru: be soaked
浴: yuami: bathing

category: common usage
keyword: swimming
Number of strokes: 10
translation: float, superficial, light
hu, bu
浮く: uku: float (vi.), rise to the surface, become buoyant [cheered up], be set on edge, be saved, be left over
浮かぶ: ukabu: float (vi.), waft, occur to (one), cross [come into] one's mind, rise to one's eyes, be expressed
浮かべる: ukaberu: float (vt.), set afloat, waft, launch, show, express, call (a matter) to mind, recall
浮かれる: ukareru: be gay (jp.), make merry, be in high spirits, be one the spree
浮: uki: float (n.), buoy, life belt [buoy]
浮き上がる: ukiagaru: rise to the surface, float, refloat, loose the support <<<
浮き出る: ukideru: come (up) [rise] to the surface (of water), be embossed <<<
浮き立つ: ukitatsu: become buoyant [lighthearted], be cheered up, feel gay <<<
浮き浮きした: ukiukishita: buoyant, cheerful, lighthearted, gay
浮き浮きと: ukiukito: buoyantly, cheerfully, with a light heart
浮き足立つ: ukiashidatsu: begin to waver, be ready to run away, be on tiptoe for flight


pronunciation: suiei
keyword: swimming
translation: swimming, bathing
水泳する: suieisuru: swim, bathe
水泳に行く: suieiniiku: go swimming <<<
水泳着: suieigi: swimming suit <<<
水泳帽: suieibou: swimming cap <<<
水泳場: suieijou: swimming pool (place), bathing beach <<<
水泳競技: suieikyougi: swimming competition <<< 競技
水泳大会: suieitaikai: swimming meet <<< 大会
水泳選手: suieisenshu: swimmer <<< 選手
水泳教室: suieikyoushitsu: swimming class <<< 教室
水泳パンツ: suieipantsu: bathing trunks
related words: 水浴


pronunciation: suiyoku, mizuabi
keyword: swimming
translation: cold bath, bathing
水浴する: suiyokusuru: bathe (v.)
related words: 水泳


pronunciation: seoyogi
keyword: swimming
translation: backstroke (n.)
背泳ぎをする: seoyogiosuru: backstroke (v.)
related words: 平泳ぎ , クロール


pronunciation: sensui
keyword: swimming , ship
translation: diving, dive (n.)
潜水する: sensuisuru: dive (v.)
潜水の: sensuino: subaqueous, underwater
潜水服: sensuihuku: diving suit <<<
潜水帽: sensuibou: diving helmet <<<
潜水病: sensuibyou: diver's paralysis, caisson disease, bends <<<
潜水夫: sensuihu: diver <<<
潜水艦: sensuikan: submarine <<<
潜水戦隊: sensuisentai: submarine squadron <<< 戦隊
潜水母艦: sensuibokan: submarine tender <<< 母艦
潜水泳法: sensuieihou: subaqueous [underwater] swimming
synonyms: ダイビング


pronunciation: hiraoyogi
keyword: swimming
translation: breaststroke (n.)
平泳ぎをする: hiraoyogiosuru: breaststroke (v.), do the breaststroke, swim on one's breast
related words: 背泳ぎ , クロール


pronunciation: mizugokoro
keyword: swimming
translation: swimming ability
水心有れば魚心: mizugokoroarebauogokoro: You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours


pronunciation: akua
etymology: aqua (eg.)
keyword: swimming
translation: aqua, water
アクアビクス: akuabikusu: aqua [water] aerobics
アクア・ラング: akuarangu: aqualung, scuba <<< スキューバ

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