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category: to learn in school
keyword: religion , astronomy
Number of strokes: 4
translation: heaven, god, sky
天から: tenkara: from the heavens, from above
天の: tennno: heavenly, celestial
天の声: tennnokoe: God's voice, order from a powerful person <<<
天の方に: tennnohouni: heavenward, skyward <<<
天を仰ぐ: tennoaogu: look up in the sky <<<
天に祈る: tennniinoru: pray to God <<<
天の助け: tennnotasuke: God's help <<<
天は自ら助ける者を助く: tenwamizukaratasukerumonootasuku: Heaven helps those who help themselves
天と地: tentochi: Heaven and Earth (an Olivier Stone's film, 1993) <<<
天: ama: heaven, god
天: ame
天: sora: sky <<<
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: religion
Number of strokes: 8
translation: pray, bow, worship
拝む: ogamu: pray (to), bow (to), worship, look at (reverently)
拝み倒す: ogamitaosu: entreat a favor of (a person), win (a person) over with entreaties <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: society , religion
Number of strokes: 8
translation: follow, accompany, offering, dedicate
kyou, ku
供する: kyousuru: offer, present, cater
供: tomo: attendant (jp.), suite, retinue
供う: tomonau: follow, accompany, attend, take, be accompanied [attended] by [with]
供をする: tomoosuru: accompany (a person), follow, go with
供を連れる: tomootsureru: be accompanied by an attendant, take a servant with one <<<
供: domo: plural (gr., jp.)
供える: sonaeru: make an offering, dedicate

category: to learn in school
keyword: religion
Number of strokes: 8
translation: sense, idea, feeling, desire
念: nen: attention (jp.), thought
念じる: nenjiru: pray, have [keep] (a matter) in mind <<<
念を押す: nennoosu: call (a person's) attention, repeatedly (to), remind (a person of) <<<
念を入れる: nennoireru: pay attention (to), be careful (of, to do) <<<
念の為: nennnotame: in order to make sure, by way of precaution <<<
念う: omou: think <<<
念える: tonaeru: recite <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: politics , religion
Number of strokes: 9
translation: branch, split, fork, sect, school, party, faction, clique
ha, hai
派れる: wakareru: branch off (from), split (into), fork <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: religion
Number of strokes: 9
translation: god, spirit, soul
shin, jin
神: kami: God, Almighty, Lord, Creator, Father, deity, goddess
神の: kamino: divine, godly, god's
神を信じる: kamioshinjiru: believe in God <<<
神に祈る: kaminiinoru: pray to God <<<
神を祭る: kamiomatsuru: enshrine a god <<<
神の様な: kaminoyouna: godlike <<<
神: kou: god
神: tamashii: spirit, soul <<<
related words: , , キリスト

category: to learn in school
keyword: religion
Number of strokes: 9
translation: believe, belief, conviction, truth, mail, sign, signal
信ずる: shinzuru: believe, accept [take] as true, believe in, trust, credit
信じる: shinjiru
信ずべき: shinzubeki: credible, reliable, trustworthy
信ずべき筋: shinzubekisuji: reliable [sure] source <<<
信じられない: shinjirarenai: incredible, unbelievable
信じ難い: shinjigatai <<<
信: makoto: truth <<< , ,
信: tayori: letter, mail, post <<< 便
信: shirushi: sign, signal <<< ,

category: to learn in school
keyword: religion
Number of strokes: 11
translation: house, housewife
dou, tou
堂: dou: temple, shrine, hall
堂に入る: dounihairu: be a master of, be an expert in, have a perfect command of <<<
堂: sumai: house, home <<<
堂: ie: house, home <<<
堂: haha: housewife, (your) mother <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: religion
Number of strokes: 13
translation: saint, wise man
sei, shou
聖なる: seinaru: holy, sacred, saint
聖: hijiri: monk of high rank (jp.)
synonyms: セント , サン

category: common usage
keyword: religion
Number of strokes: 5
translation: nun
ni, ji
尼: ama: nun, hussy (jp.), slattern, bitch
尼に成る: amaninaru: become a nun, take the veil <<<

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