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Direct access: , , 空室 , 大家 , 共有 , 構内 , 差押 , 更地 , 財産 , 敷金

category: common usage
keyword: realty
Number of strokes: 8
translation: mansion, residence, inn, hotel
tei, tai
邸: yashiki: mansion, residence <<< 屋敷
邸: yadoya: inn, hotel

category: common usage
keyword: realty
Number of strokes: 15
translation: public servant (anc.), administration
寮: ryou: dormitory (jp.), resort house
寮: tsukasa: public servant (anc.), administration <<< ,


pronunciation: akishitsu
other spells: 空き室
keyword: realty
translation: vacancy room


pronunciation: ooya, taika
keyword: realty , art
translation: owner of a rented house, landlord, great master


pronunciation: kyouyuu
keyword: realty
translation: joint ownership
共有の: kyouyouno: common, collective
共有する: kyouyuusuru: hold in common, own jointly
共有者: kyouyuusha: joint owner, co-owner <<<
共有地: kyouyuuchi: common land <<<
共有物: kyouyuubutsu: common property <<<
共有財産: kyouyuuzaisan <<< 財産
共有ディスク: kyouyuudisuku: shared disk
related words: 共通


pronunciation: kounai
keyword: realty
translation: premises, property, site
構内で: kounaide: on the premises
構内禁煙: kounaikinnen: No smoking in the area <<< 禁煙
駅構内: ekikounai: train station area <<<
related words: サイト


pronunciation: sashiosae
other spells: 差し押
keyword: realty
translation: attachment, seizure, distraint
差押える: sashiosaeru: seize, attach, distrain (upon) a person's property, place (a person's property) under distraint
差押を食う: sashiosaeokuu: have one's property attached <<<
差押人: sashiosaenin: seizor, distrainer <<<
差押状: sashiosaejou: warrant of seizure, attachment <<<
差押令状: sashiosaereijou
差押物件: sashiosaebukken: seized property <<< 物件
仮差押: karisashiosae: temporary seizure <<<


pronunciation: sarachi
keyword: realty
translation: a lot [piece of land] where there is no building [house] built


pronunciation: zaisan
keyword: realty , finance
translation: fortune, wealth, property, richness, asset
財産を残す: zaisannonokosu: leave [bequeath] a fortune <<<
財産を作る: zaisannotsukuru: make a fortune <<<
財産を継ぐ: zaisannotsugu: inherit [succeed to] a fortune <<<
財産権: zaisanken: property right <<<
財産家: zaisanka: wealthy person, rich (person) <<<
財産税: zaisanzei: property tax <<<
財産勘定: zaisankanjou: assets and liabilities account <<< 勘定
財産譲渡: zaisanjouto: conveyance of estate <<< 譲渡
財産相続: zaisansouzoku: succession to a property <<< 相続
財産管理: zaisankanri: property management <<< 管理
related words: 資産


pronunciation: shikikin
keyword: realty
translation: deposit, caution money

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