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category: to learn in school
keyword: moral
Number of strokes: 4
translation: charity, humanity, mercy
jin, nin, ni
仁け: nasake: charity, humanity, mercy <<<
仁: hito: pers. <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: moral
Number of strokes: 7
translation: respect (the parents)

category: to learn in school
keyword: moral
Number of strokes: 11
translation: tender, sympathy, affection, mercy, compassion, benevolence, taste (ext.), flavor
jou, sei
情け: nasake: tender feeling, fellow feeling, sympathy, affection, mercy, compassion, benevolence, love
情けの無い: nasakenonai: unfeeling, coldhearted, heartless, unsympathetic <<<
情けを知らぬ: nasakeoshiranu <<<
情け無い: nasakenai: pitiful, wretched, miserable, lamentable, deplorable <<<
情け無い奴: nasakenaiyatsu: miserable fellow, wretch
情け無い事に: nasakenaikotoni: to one's sorrow [regret]
情け深い: nasakebukai: benevolent, charitable, compassionate, tenderhearted, sympathetic <<<
情けを掛ける: nasakeokakeru: show mercy (to), take pity (on) <<<
情: kokoro: heart (fig.) <<<
情: omomuki: taste, flavor <<<
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category: to learn in school
keyword: moral
Number of strokes: 14
translation: virtue, moral, ethic
徳: toku: virtue, morality
徳の高い: tokunotakai: virtuous, of high virtue <<<
徳の有る: tokunoaru <<<
徳: nori: pers.

category: to learn in school
keyword: moral
Number of strokes: 15
translation: courageous, manly
潔い: isagiyoi: pure, upright, manly
潔く: isagiyoku: manfully, frankly, with a good grace

category: common usage
keyword: moral
Number of strokes: 10
translation: blessing, grace, favor, kindness, mercy, benevolence, charity, alms
kei, e
恵む: megumu: give alms, give (a thing) in charity, bless (a person with), favor, confer [bestow] a favor (upon)
恵み: megumi: blessing, grace, favor, kindness, mercy, benevolence, charity, alms
恵みを請う: megumiokou: ask charity, beg for alms <<<
恵み深い: megumibukai: merciful, benevolent <<<
恵まれた: megumareta: fortunate, privileged
恵まれ無い: megumarenai: unfortunate <<<
恵い: satoi: sharp, clever, quick-witted, intelligent <<<

category: common usage
keyword: moral
Number of strokes: 13
translation: affection, love
慈しむ: itsukushimu: be affectionate to, love (v.), treat tenderly
慈しみ: itsukushimi: affection, love (n.)
慈しみ深い: itsukushimibukai: affectionate, tender <<<

category: common usage
keyword: moral
Number of strokes: 13
translation: modest, prudent, discreet
慎む: tsutsushimu: restrain oneself, refrain from, abstain from, be moderate (in), be continent, be cautious, caution oneself (against), be discreet
慎み: tsutsushimi: modesty, prudence, discretion, caution, self-restraint, self-control, continence
慎みの無い: tsutsushiminonai: immodest, imprudent, indiscreet <<<
慎み深い: tsutsushimibukai: modest, prudent, discreet <<<

category: common usage
keyword: moral
Number of strokes: 17
translation: restrain, refrain, abstain
謹む: tsutsushimu: restrain oneself, refrain from, abstain from, be moderate (in), be continent, be cautious, caution oneself (against), be discreet

category: JIS1
keyword: moral
Number of strokes: 15
translation: pity, compassion, mercy
憐れむ: awaremu: pity (v.), have [take] pity [compassion] on, feel pity
憐れむ可き: awaremubeki: pitiable, despicable <<<
憐れみ: awaremi: pity (n.), compassion, mercy
憐れみを掛ける: awaremiokakeru: take pity on (a person) <<<
憐れみを請う: awaremiokou: appeal for (another's) pity, be for (another's) mercy <<<
憐れみ深い: awaremibukai: compassionate, sympathetic <<<
憐しむ: itsukushimu: love, be affectionate to, treat tenderly <<<

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