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category: to learn in school
keyword: grammar
Number of strokes: 4
translation: book, text, culture
bun, mon
文: mon: shoes' size (jp.)
文: aya: pattern, design <<< デザイン
文: moji: alphabet, letter, characters <<< 文字
文: humi: book, letter, mail (jp.)

category: to learn in school
keyword: grammar
Number of strokes: 5
translation: phrase, paragraph, section, passage, expression, verse
ku, kou
句: kugiri: punctuation, punctuation mark, period, full stop

category: to learn in school
keyword: grammar
Number of strokes: 6
translation: give birth, pseudonym of childhood, writing (ext.), letter (give birth to more complex letters), script, alphabet, character
字を書く: jiokaku: write <<<
字が書けない: jigakakenai: illiterate, analphabetic <<<
字を読む: jioyomu: read, decipher <<<
字む: umu: give birth <<<
字: moji: letter, alphabet, script <<< 文字
字: azana: pseudonym of childhood, courtesy name, nickname
字す: masu: increase (v.) <<<
字: aza: hamlet (jp.)

category: to learn in school
keyword: society , grammar
Number of strokes: 10
translation: reach, correct (bor.), rule, rank
kaku, raku, kyaku
格: kaku: (social) standing [status, position], rank, class, grade, order
格が上がる: kakugaagaru: rise in rank <<<
格が下がる: kakugasagaru: fall in rank <<<
格が違う: kakugachigau: be of [belong to] a different class <<<
格る: itaru: reach <<<
格す: tadasu: correct, rectify <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: grammar
Number of strokes: 10
translation: teach, instruct, educate
kun, kin
訓: kun: kunyomi reading (jp.)
訓える: oshieru: teach, instruct, educate <<<
訓む: yomu: read, understand <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: grammar
Number of strokes: 12
translation: speech, expression, word
shi, ji
詞: kotoba
synonyms: 言葉

category: to learn in school
keyword: grammar
Number of strokes: 13
translation: refuse, decline, resign, word (bor.), speech, expression
辞する: jisuru: resign, take one's leave of, say good-bye (to a person)
辞を低くして: jiohikukushite: humbly, politely <<<
辞を低うして: jiohikuushite <<<
辞: kotoba: speech, expression, word <<< 言葉
辞る: kotowaru: refuse, decline <<<
辞める: yameru: resign, give up <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: grammar
Number of strokes: 13
translation: speak, tell, say, talk, chat, converse, conversation
wa, kai
話: hanashi: conversation, speech
話す: hanasu: speak, talk, converse (v.)
話せる: hanaseru: able to speak, sensible
話る: kataru: narrate <<<
話が合う: hanashigaau: have topics of common interest <<<
話し合う: hanashiau: talk with (a person) about (a matter), discuss (a matter) with (a person), consult with (a person) about [on] (a matter) <<<
話をする: hanashiosuru: talk (about), have a talk (with), speak (with), tell a story [tale], give an account of
話が付く: hanashigatsuku: come to [arrive at] an understanding [agreement] (with) <<<
話を付ける: hanashiotsukeru: arrange [fix up] (a matter with a person), settle (a matter) <<<
話の種: hanashinotane: topic (for conversation), subject of talk <<<
話は違うが: hanashiwachigauga: by the way <<<
話変わって: hanashikawatte: meanwhile, on the other hand <<<
話を逸らす: hanashiosorasu: divert the conversation <<<
話に出る: hanashinideru: come up for discussion <<<
話に成らない: hanashininaranai: be out of the question <<<
話の腰を折る: hanashinokoshiooru: interrupt a person, spoil a story

category: to learn in school
keyword: grammar
Number of strokes: 14
translation: speech, language, word, speak, tell, talk
go, gyo
語る: kataru: speak, talk, tell, narrate <<<
語るに落ちる: kataruniochiru: allow oneself to reveal one's own secret, give oneself away <<<
語らう: katarau: talk together, chat with
語り合う: katariau <<<
語らい: katarai: chat, conversation, promise
語り明かす: katariakasu: talk the night out, talk through the night <<<
語: kotoba: speech, language, word <<< 言葉

category: common usage
keyword: grammar
Number of strokes: 11
translation: proof, tally
hu, bu
符: warihu: tally <<< 割符

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