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category: to learn in school
keyword: farming
Number of strokes: 3
translation: soil, earth, ground
do, to
土: tsuchi
土が付く: tsuchigatsuku: suffer defeat (in sumo) <<< ,
土に帰る: tsuchinikaeru: return to dust <<<
土に埋める: tsuchiniumeru: bury <<<
土を掘る: tsuchiohoru: dig, excavate <<<
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: farming
Number of strokes: 5
translation: paddy, rice field
den, ten
田: ta: paddy, rice field
田を耕す: taotagayasu: plow a rice field <<<
田を作る: taotsukuru: till [cultivate] a rice field <<<
田: kari: hunt <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: construction , farming
Number of strokes: 7
translation: make, create, produce, do, undertake
sa, saku
作: saku: harvest (jp.)
作る: tsukuru: make (v.), create, invent, manufacture, produce, turn out, brew, form, organize, establish, cultivate, raise, grow, build up, erect, construct, lay out, design, make up, touch up, cook, prepare
作り: tsukuri: make (n.), construction, build, toilet, makeup <<< 構造 , 細工 , 化粧
作り上げる: tsukuriageru: build up, bring (a thing) to completion, finish, complete, fabricate, concoct, invent <<< , 完成
作り替え: tsukurikae: remaking, reconstruction, remodeling, adaptation <<<
作り替える: tsukurikaeru: remake, remodel, reconstruct, rewrite, adapt <<<
作り直す: tsukurinaosu <<<
作り方: tsukurikata: way of making, how to make, how to grow <<<
作り声: tsukurigoe: feigned voice, disguised tone <<<
作り声をする: tsukurigoeosuru: disguise one's voice, feign [affect, imitate] a person's voice <<<
作り事: tsukurigoto: fabrication, concoction, invention, make-up story, put-up affair <<<
作り事を言う: tsukurigotooiu: invent [make up] a story, fabricate a lie
作す: nasu: do, carry out <<<
作こる: okoru: start, undertake <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: farming
Number of strokes: 8
translation: meadow, feed
boku, moku
牧: maki: meadow
牧う: yashinau: bring up, feed <<<
牧: tsukasa: governor (anc.), public servant <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: farming
Number of strokes: 8
translation: manure, fertilize, fat
肥える: koeru: grow fat [stout, plump], put on [gain] flesh, grow fertile [rich]
肥やす: koyasu: manure (v.), fertilize, fatten
肥: koe: manure (n.), fertilizer
肥やし: koyashi

category: to learn in school
keyword: farming
Number of strokes: 8
translation: fruit, truth, reality, actuality
実: jitsu: compassion (jp.), honesty, fidelity, faithfulness
実の: jitsuno: true, real, actual
実の有る: jitsunoaru: truehearted, sincere, loyal, faithful <<<
実の無い: jitsunonai: insincere, faithless, fickle <<<
実を尽くす: jitsuotsukusu: act sincerely (toward a person), show fidelity (to) <<<
実は: jitsuwa: really, in fact, as a matter of fact, The truth is that, To tell the truth
実の所: jitsunotokoro <<<
実に: jitsuni: indeed, truly, really, surely, very, much, so, such, extremely, exceedingly <<< 非常
実に困った: jitsunikomatta: I am in a fix <<<
実: mi: fruit (n.), nut, berry, ingredient, substance <<< ナッツ
実の有る: minoaru: substantial, solid <<<
実を結ぶ: miomusubu: bear [yield] fruit, come [be brought] to fruition <<<
実る: minoru: bear fruit, ripen, fruit (v.)
実り: minori: crop, harvest <<< 収穫
実りが良い: minorigayoi, minorigaii: have a rich crop <<<
実りが悪い: minorigawarui: have a poor crop <<<
実: makoto: truth <<<

category: to learn in school, only in Japanese
keyword: farming , job
Number of strokes: 9
translation: field
畑: hata, hatake: field, farm, kitchen [vegetable] garden, one's specialty [sphere, line, field]
畑を耕す: hatakeotagayasu, hataotagayasu: cultivate [till] the soil <<<
畑で働く: hatakedehataraku: work in the field <<<
synonyms: , 専門

category: to learn in school
keyword: farming
Number of strokes: 10
translation: cultivate, till (v.)
耕す: tagayasu: cultivate, till (v.)

category: to learn in school
keyword: farming
Number of strokes: 10
translation: distribute
俵: tawara: straw bag (jp.)

category: to learn in school
keyword: farming
Number of strokes: 13
translation: agriculture

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