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category: to learn in school
keyword: education , time
Number of strokes: 4
translation: separate, divide, part, distribute, share, minute (ext.), understand, comprehend, see, know, learn, recognize, appreciate
hun, bun, bu
分ける: wakeru: separate (vt.), divide, part, distribute, share
分かれる: wakareru: separate (vi.), divide, part
分かつ: wakatsu: distribute, share
分かる: wakaru: understand, comprehend, see, know, learn, be known, be found, recognize, appreciate <<<
分かり: wakari: understanding, comprehension
分かりません: wakarimasen: I cannot understand [follow]
分かりますか: wakarimasuka: Do you understand?
分かりました: wakarimashita: I see
分かった: wakatta: I know!
分かりの良い: wakarinoii, wakarinoyoi: intelligent, sensible <<<
分かりの悪い: wakarinowarui: dull, dull-witted, fat-witted, unintelligent, stupid <<<
分かり切った: wakarikitta: obvious, manifest, plain, evident, self-evident, indisputable <<<
分かり易い: wakariyasui: easy to understand, simple, plain, intelligible, legible <<<
分かり難い: wakarinikui: hard [difficult] to understand, unintelligible, illegible <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: education
Number of strokes: 8
translation: know, inform, wisdom
知る: shiru: know, learn
知らせる: shiraseru: inform a person, tell, let a person know, make (a matter) known, give notice, publish, declare
知らせ: shirase: report, notice, news, tidings, amen <<< ニュース
知らない: shiranai: unknown, unacquainted, unfamiliar, strange, unwitting
知らないで: shiranaide: not knowing [noticing] (that), from ignorance, unwittingly
知らずに: shirazuni
知らない人: shiranaihito: stranger <<<
知らない内に: shiranaiuchini: no one know when, without a person's knowledge, unnoticed <<<
知らぬが仏: shiranugahotoke: Ignorance is bliss <<<
知った: shitta: familiar, known
知: chie: wisdom <<< 知恵
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: sport , education
Number of strokes: 9
translation: point, dot, spot
点: ten: point, dot, spot, mark, score
点: bochi, pochi: small point, tip <<< チップ
点を打つ: tennoutsu: point (v.), dot, mark with a dot <<<
点を付ける: tennotsukeru: mark (v.), give marks (to), grade, rate <<<
点を引かれる: tennohikareru: lose a mark <<<
点を取る: tennotoru: score a point <<<
点が甘い: tengaamai: be generous in marking [giving marks] <<<
点が辛い: tengakarai: be severe in marking [giving marks] <<<
synonyms: ポイント
related words: マーク

category: to learn in school
keyword: education
Number of strokes: 10
translation: study (a discipline, a technique etc.)
修める: osameru: study, complete (the course of), master, behave oneself well, control oneself
修まる: osamaru: be corrected, conduct oneself well

category: to learn in school
keyword: education
Number of strokes: 10
translation: endeavor, persevere
勉める: tsutomeru <<<
勉: tsutomu: pers.

category: to learn in school
keyword: education
Number of strokes: 11
translation: learn, study, lesson
習う: narau: learn, take lessons (in, on), be taught, study, practice
習い: narai: learning, study, lesson, habit, custom
習いと成る: naraitonaru: become a custom, fall into the habit of (doing) <<<
習わせる: narawaseru: make (a person) learn [practice, exercise]
習うより慣れよ: narauyorinareyo: Practice makes perfect <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: education
Number of strokes: 11
translation: learn, teach, instruct, educate, tutor
教える: oshieru: educate, instruct (a person in), teach (a person a thing, a person how to do), give lessons (in),show, tell, inform, explain, suggest
教わる: osowaru: learn, take lessons (in, on), be taught, study, practice <<<
教え: oshie: teaching, instruction, precept, doctrine
教えを受ける: oshieoukeru: study under (a person), be taught (by) <<<
教え子: oshiego: one's pupil, one's disciple <<<
教え方: oshiekata: teaching method, how to teach <<<
教え込む: oshiekomu: train (a person to do), inculcate, instill <<<
教む: shimu: be informed

category: to learn in school
keyword: education
Number of strokes: 12
translation: answer, reply, respond
答える: kotaeru: answer (a person, a question), reply (to a person, to a question), give an answer [a reply], respond (to), solve
答え: kotae: answer (n.), reply, response
答えを出す: kotaeodasu: find a solution (for) <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: education
Number of strokes: 13
translation: solve, untie, undo, unfasten, cut, separate
kai, ge
解せない: gesenai: incomprehensible, inexplicable
解く: toku: untie, loosen, unfasten, undo (a bundle, a parcel), unravel, unpack, solve, answer, work out, disarm, raise (a siege), life [remove] (a ban), dismiss, discharge, relieve, release, dispel [remove, clear up] (a doubt), comb, melt down
解かす: tokasu
解ける: tokeru: be cleared, come loose, melt, dissolve <<<
解る: satoru: realize, become aware of <<<
解かる: wakaru: understand, comprehend, solve, work out <<< ,
解れ: hotsure: fray
解れる: hotsureru: be frayed, fray, stray, become lose
解れ毛: hotsurege: loose [tousled] hair <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: education
Number of strokes: 14
translation: accustomed, habit, familiar, practiced, experienced
慣れる: nareru: be [get] used [accustomed] to, grow familiar with, be [become] experienced in
慣らす: narasu: accustom, wean
慣れた: nareta: familiar, practiced, experienced
慣れない: narenai: unfamiliar, unpracticed, inexperienced
慣れ: nare: practice, habit, experience
慣れで: narede: by practice, from habit, from experience

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