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Direct access: , , 愛車 , 居眠 , 飲酒 , 右折 , 川崎 , 外車 , 気筒 , 逆走

category: to learn in school
keyword: sport , car
Number of strokes: 7
translation: run, dash, sail, scud
sou, su
走る: hashiru: run (v.), dash, sail, scud
走らす: hashirasu: make [let] run, drive, gallop, send, dispatch, rout, write (hurriedly)
走り: hashiri: the first of the season, the first supply
走り読みする: hashiriyomisuru: read hastily [cursorily], skim (through) <<<
走り下りる: hashirioriru: run down <<<
走り込む: hashirikomu: run in [into] <<<
走り寄る: hashiriyoru: run up to <<<
走り出る: hashirideru: run out <<<
走り出す: hashiridasu: start running, break into a run <<<
走り回る: hashirimawaru: run about [round] <<<
走り去る: hashirisaru: run off [away] <<<
走り通す: hashiritoosu: run all the way <<<
走って来る: hashittekuru: come running <<<
走: meshitsukai: servant
related words: ,

category: to learn in school
keyword: car
Number of strokes: 7
translation: car, automobile, vehicle, carriage, cart, wagon, wheel
車: kuruma: car, automobile, vehicle, carriage, cart, wagon, wheel, circle (jp.)
車を拾う: kurumaohirou: take a taxi [cab] <<<
車に乗る: kurumaninoru: take a car <<<
車を降りる: kurumaooriru: get out of a car <<<
車で行く: kurumadeiku: go by car <<<
車の鍵: kurumanokagi: car key <<<
synonyms: カー


pronunciation: aisha
keyword: car
translation: one's own car


pronunciation: inemuri
other spells: 居睡
keyword: car
translation: nap (n.), doze
居眠する: inemurisuru: fall into a doze, take a nap, doze (v.), nap
居眠運転する: inemuriuntensuru: doze (off) at the wheel, drive (a car) asleep <<< 運転


pronunciation: inshu
keyword: drink , car
translation: drinking (alcohol)
飲酒する: inshusuru: drink (alcohol)
飲酒癖: inshuguse: drinking habit <<<
飲酒家: inshuka: heavy drinker <<<
飲酒運転: inshuunten: drunk-driving <<< 運転
飲酒検査: inshukensa: breathalyzer test, breath test <<< 検査
飲酒テスト: inshutesuto


pronunciation: usetsu
keyword: car
translation: right turn
右折する: usetsusuru: turn to the right
右折禁止: usetsukinshi: No right turn <<< 禁止
related words: 左折


pronunciation: kawasaki
other spells: カワサキ (a Japanese motorbike brand)
keyword: car , japan
translation: Kawasaki
川崎市: kawasakishi: City of Kawasaki <<<
related words:


pronunciation: gaisha
keyword: car
translation: foreign-made car


pronunciation: kitou
keyword: car
translation: cylinder
四気筒: yonkitou: four cylinders <<<
四気筒のモーター: yonkitounomootaa: four-cylinder engine
六気筒: rokkitou: six cylinders <<<
六気筒のモーター: rokkitounomootaa: six-cylinder engine
related words: シリンダー


pronunciation: gyakusou
keyword: car , sport
translation: backward [reverse] running
逆走する: gyakusousuru: run backward

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