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キーワード: 会計
画数: 4
翻訳:keep, store, supply, pay
収める: おさめる: supply, pay
収まる: おさまる: be paid, be held

キーワード: 会計
画数: 5
翻訳:stick, attach, belong, join, follow, accompany, touch, contact, wear, add, append, give, offer

付き: つき: attachment, adherence, junction, contact, luck, fortune, per, for, on account of, because of, through, as
付く: つく: stick [adhere] to, be connected with, be stained [smeared] with, belong to, be attached to, join, side with, go over to, follow, accompany, attend, wait on, be in attendance upon, touch, come in contact with, get lucky (jp.)
付ける: つける: attach [affix, fix] (a thing to), fasten (a thing to), stick (a thing) to [on, together], put (a thing) on, apply (a thing to), put down, enter in (a book), put on, wear, add, append
付いて居る: ついている: be with (one), be lucky, be in luck <<<
付いて来る: ついてくる: follow (a person), come along with (a person), shadow (v.), dog <<<
付いて行く: ついていく, ついてゆく: follow (a person), go along with (a person), shadow, dog, keep up with <<<
付け: つけ: account, bill
付けで買う: つけでかう: buy (a thing) on credit <<<
付けを払う: つけをはらう: pay a [one's] bill <<<
付け回る: つけまわる: pursue, follow (everywhere), shadow (v.) <<<
付け狙う: つけねらう: keep watch on, follow, shadow, dog <<<
付け上がる: つけあがる: be puffed up, be stuck-up, grow impudent, grow vain <<<
付け替える: つけかえる: replace (a thing with another), change (a thing for a new one) <<<
付け加える: つけくわえる: add (a thing to another), supplement, append <<<
付け込む: つけこむ: take an advantage of, presume [impose] upon <<<
付け入る: つけいる <<<
付き纏う: つきまとう: follow (a person) about, hang about (a person), shadow (v.), dog <<<
付える: あたえる: give, offer <<<

キーワード: 会計
画数: 8
翻訳:value, price, worth, tariff

価: あたい: value, price, worth
価する: あたいする: be worth (the present participle)

キーワード: 会計
画数: 10
翻訳:quantity, measure
料: りょう: price (suf., jp.)
料る: はかる: measure (v.), weigh, take measure of, survey, calculate, estimate <<<

キーワード: 会計
画数: 10
翻訳:price, value, worth, tariff

値: ね
値の高い: ねのたかい: high-priced, dear, expensive, costly <<<
値の張る: ねのはる <<<
値が張る: ねがはる: cost much, be expensive <<<
値の安い: ねのやすい: low-priced, inexpensive, cheap <<<
値の張らない: ねのはらない <<<
値が上がる: ねがあがる: rise in price <<< , 値上
値が下がる: ねがあがる: fall in price <<< , 値下
値を付ける: ねをつける: price (v.), bid [name] a price (for), set a price (on), appraise <<<
値を決める: ねをきめる <<<
値切る: ねぎる: haggle over, bargain <<<
値: あたい: price, value (n.), worth
値う: あう: value (v.), worth <<<

キーワード: 会計
画数: 10
翻訳:borrow, loan, debt
シャク, シャ
借りる: かりる: borrow
借り: かり: loan, debt, liabilities <<< ローン
借りが有る: かりがある: be in debt (to a person for something), owe (a person something) <<<
借りを作る: かりをつくる: run into debt <<<
借りを拵える: かりをこしらえる <<<
借りを返す: かりをかえす: pay back [off] a debt <<<
借い: たとい: even if (one borrows an idea) <<<

キーワード: 会計
画数: 11
翻訳:lead, direct, percentage (bor.), rate
リツ, ソツ, スイ
率: わりあい: percentage, rate <<< 割合
率う: したがう: obey, follow, accompany <<< ,
率いる: ひきいる: lead, direct, manage
率: おおむね: in general, roughly <<<
率: おさ: chief, leader <<<
率: りつ: percentage, rate
の率で: のりつで: at a [the] rate of, on a percentage of
率が良い: りつがいい, りつがよい: show a good rate <<<
率が悪い: りつがわるい: show a poor rate <<<
率を高める: りつをたかめる: raise the rate <<<
率を上げる: りつをあげる <<<
率を低める: りつをひくめる: lower the rate <<<
率を下げる: りつをさげる <<<
関連語: レート

キーワード: 会計 , 衛生
画数: 5
翻訳:brush, wipe, mop
払う: はらう: brush, wipe, clear [sweep] away, pay (jp.), repay
払: はらい: payment (jp.)
払い込む: はらいこむ: pay (money), pay in, pay up <<<
払い込み: はらいこみ: payment, subscription <<<
払い下げる: はらいさげる: sell, dispose of <<<
払い下げ: はらいさげ: sale, disposal <<<
払い過ぎる: はらいすぎる: overpay <<<
払い過ぎ: はらいすぎ: overpayment <<<
払い戻す: はらいもどす: pay back, repay, refund (v.) <<<
払い戻し: はらいもどし: repayment, refund (n.) <<<
払う: ぬぐう: wipe, mop, scarp away <<<

キーワード: 会計
画数: 12
翻訳:change, exchange, substitute, replace
替える: かえる: change (vt.), exchange <<<
替わる: かわる: substitute, replace <<<
替れる: すたれる: abandon, fall into disuse <<<

キーワード: 会計
画数: 12
翻訳:symptom, nearly

幾: きざし: symptom, omen <<<
幾ど: ほとんど: nearly <<<
幾: ほとほと: quite (at a loss) <<<
幾: いく: unknown quantity
幾ら: いくら: how much, how many, how far, how long
幾らでも: いくらでも: any number [amount] of, as many [much] as one likes [wants]
幾らですか: いくらですか: How much does it cost, What is the price [charge, fare, fee]
幾らか: いくらか: some, a little, somewhat, to some extent, partly
幾ら遅くとも: いくらおそくとも: at (the) latest <<<
幾ら多くても: いくらおおくても: at (the) most <<<
幾ら良くても: いくらよくても: at (the) best <<<
幾つ: いくつ: how many, how old
幾つか: いくつか: some, several, few
幾つですか: いくつですか: How old are you?

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