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Direct access: 参戦 , 参謀 , 士官 , 指揮 , 士気 , 師団 , 死闘 , 射撃 , 射殺 , 襲撃


pronunciation: sansen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: participation in the war
参戦する: sansensuru: enter [join, participate in] the war


pronunciation: sanbou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: staff officer, general staff, adviser, counselor
参謀長: sanbouchou: chief staff officer, chief of the staff <<<
参謀総長: sanbousouchou: chief of the general staff
参謀本部: sanbouhonbu: general staff (office) <<< 本部
参謀会議: sanboukaigi: war council <<< 会議
参謀将校: sanboushoukou: staff officer <<< 将校


pronunciation: shikan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: officer, military officer, naval officer
下士官: kashikan: non-commissioned officer, petty officer <<<
士官学校: shikangakkou: military academy, naval college <<< 学校
士官候補生: shikankouhosei: probational officer, midshipman
士官集会所: shikanshuukaijo: officers' mess
related words: 将校


pronunciation: shiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , music
translation: command (n.), order (n.), direction
指揮する: shikisuru: command (v.), order (v.), lead, direct
指揮を受ける: shikioukeru: be under a person's command, take orders from <<<
指揮棒: shikibou: baton, wand <<<
指揮台: shikidai: podium, platform <<<
指揮官: shikikan: commander, commanding officer <<<
指揮権: shikiken: right of command <<<
指揮者: shikisha: director, leader, commander <<<
指揮系統: shikikeitou: chain of command <<< 系統


pronunciation: shiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: morale, spirit of an army, military [martial] spirit
士気を鼓舞する: shikiokobusuru: raise the morale, enhance [inspire] a person's spirit <<< 鼓舞


pronunciation: shidan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: division
師団の: shidannno: divisional
師団長: shidanchou: divisional commander <<<
related words: 連隊 , 大隊 , 中隊 , 小隊


pronunciation: shitou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , sport
translation: desperate struggle, deadly combat, mortal combat
死闘する: shitousuru: fight desperately, engage in a struggle to the death


pronunciation: shageki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: shooting, firing
射撃する: shagekisuru: shoot (v.), fire (at, upon)
射撃場: shagekijou: shooting [firing] range <<<
射撃術: shagekijutsu: marksmanship <<<
射撃手: shagekishu: shooter <<<
射撃兵: shagekihei: rifleman <<<
射撃演習: shagekienshuu: shooting practice, field firing <<< 演習
射撃競技: shagekikyougi: shooting competition <<< 競技


pronunciation: shasatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: shooting to death
射殺する: shasatsusuru: shoot (a person) dead [to death]


pronunciation: shuugeki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: attack (n.), assault, raid
襲撃する: shuugekisuru: attack (v.), assault, make an attack [a raid] (on, upon), raid
synonyms: 攻撃

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