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Direct access: 誕生 , 中年 , 長寿 , 追憶 , 通夜 , 定年 , 転機 , 天性 , 出会 , 伝記


pronunciation: tanjou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fest , life
translation: birth, nativity
誕生する: tanjousuru: be born
誕生を祝う: tanjouoiwau: celebrate the birth (of) <<<
誕生祝: tanjouiwai: celebration of one's birthday
誕生地: tanjouchi: one's birthplace <<<
誕生日: tanjoubi: birthday, birth anniversary <<<
誕生日御目出度う: tanjoubiomedetou: happy birthday
synonyms: 生誕 , 出生


pronunciation: chuunen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: middle age
中年の人: chuunennnohito: middle-aged person <<<
中年者: chuunenmono <<<
中年女: chuunenonnna: woman past her prime, middle-aged woman, mature woman <<<
中年男: chuunenotoko: middle-aged man, man of middle age <<<
中年期: chuunenki: middle years of one's life <<<
related words: 中世


pronunciation: chouju
kanji characters: , 寿
keyword: life , health
translation: longevity, long life
長寿を保つ: choujuotamotsu: live long, enjoy longevity <<<
長寿法: choujuhou: secret of longevity, macrobiotics <<<
related words: 長生き


pronunciation: tsuioku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: reminiscence, remembrance, retrospection, memory
追憶する: tsuiokusuru: remember, recollect, recall
追憶に耽る: tsuiokunihukeru: reminisce (about) <<<
related words: 思い出 , 回想


pronunciation: tsuya
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: deathwatch, wake
通夜をする: tsuyaosuru: keep vigil, hold a wake


pronunciation: teinen
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 停年
keyword: job , life
translation: age limit, retiring age
定年に達する: teinennnitassuru: reach the age limit <<<
定年に成る: teinennninaru <<<
定年制: teinen: age limit system <<<


pronunciation: tenki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: turning point
転機と成る: tenkitonaru: reach a turning point <<<


pronunciation: tensei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: nature, natural disposition, temperament
天性の: tenseino: natural, innate
天性の詩人: tenseinoshijin: born poet <<< 詩人
天性の商人: tenseinoshounin: born merchant <<< 商人
related words: 自然


pronunciation: deai
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 出逢
keyword: life
translation: encounter (n.)
出会う: deau: encounter (v.), meet (by chance)
出会系: deaikei: encounter site, community site <<<
出会い頭に: deaigashirani: abruptly by approaching <<<
synonyms: 遭遇


pronunciation: denki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: literature , life
translation: biography, life
伝記風: denkihuu: biographic (a.) <<<
伝記的: denkiteki <<<
伝記作家: denkisakka: biographer <<< 作家

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