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Direct access: 持女 , 次長 , 実務 , 辞任 , 事務 , 従業 , 従者 , 従事 , 重役 , 熟練


pronunciation: jijo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: waiting woman [maid]


pronunciation: jichou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: vice-chief, vice-director


pronunciation: jitsumu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: (practical) business
実務的: jitsumuteki: businesslike, practical, pragmatic <<<
実務の才: jitsumunosai: business ability [talent] <<<
実務の才が有る: jitsumunosaigaaru: business-minded <<<
実務に付く: jitsumunitsuku: go into business <<<


pronunciation: jinin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: resignation
辞任する: jininsuru: resign, leave office
synonyms: 辞職


pronunciation: jimu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: office work, desk work, business (n.)
事務上の: jimujouno: business (a.) <<<
事務を執る: jimuotoru: do office work, attend to one's business, be at one's desk <<<
事務に明るい: jimuniakarui: be experienced in office work <<<
事務的: jimuteki: businesslike <<<
事務的に: jimutekini: in a businesslike manner, in a matter-of-fact way
事務所: jimusho: office, bureau <<<
事務室: jimushitsu: office room <<<
事務員: jimuin: clerk <<<
事務官: jimukan: administrative official, secretary <<<
事務長: jimuchou: head official, purser <<<
事務服: jimuhuku: working dress [suit] <<<
事務管理: jimukanri: office management <<< 管理
事務用品: jimuyouhin: office equipment [supplies] <<< 用品 , 文房具
related words: 業務


pronunciation: juugyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: employment
従業する: juugyousuru: be employed
従業員: juugyouin: employee, worker, operative, hands, working staff <<<
従業員組合: juugyouinkumiai: workers' union <<< 組合
従業時間: juugyoujikan: working hours <<< 時間
synonyms: 就業


pronunciation: juusha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , job
translation: servant, attendant, valet, follower, suite
synonyms: 家来


pronunciation: juuji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: engagement, occupation
従事する: juujisuru: engaged [be engaged] in, follow (a profession), pursue (one's occupation)
related words: 仕事


pronunciation: juuyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: director, executive
重役会議: juuyakukaigi: board of directors, directorate, executive council <<< 会議


pronunciation: jukuren
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: skill, dexterity, mastery
熟練する: jukurensuru: become skilled [dexterous] (in doing), become expert (in, at)
熟練した: jukurenshita: skillful, skilled, experienced, expert (a.)
熟練者: jukurensha: expert (n.), man of experience <<<
熟練家: jukurenka <<<
熟練工: jukurenkou: skilled [trained] hand [workman], skilled labor <<<
熟練労働者: jukurenroudousha
synonyms: 上手 , 専門

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