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Direct access: 霜柱 , 灼熱 , 白雪 , 新雪 , 時候 , 除雪 , 涼風 , 砂嵐 , 青天 , 晴天


pronunciation: shimobashira
keyword: weather
translation: ice needles, ice columns, frost in the ground
霜柱が立つ: shimobashiragatatsu: Frost forms <<<


pronunciation: shakunetsu
keyword: weather
translation: red [white] heat, incandescence
灼熱の: shakunetsuno: incandescent, red-hot
灼熱した: shakunetsushita
灼熱の太陽: shakunetsunotaiyou: burning sun <<< 太陽
related words:


pronunciation: shirayuki
keyword: weather , kids
translation: white snow
白雪姫: shirayukihime: Snow White (a fairy tale of Grimm Brothers) <<< , グリム


pronunciation: shinsetsu
keyword: weather
translation: fresh snow


pronunciation: jikou
keyword: weather , calendar
translation: season, weather
時候外れの: jikouhazureno: unseasonable, out of season <<<
時候の変り目: jikounokawarime: change [turn] of season
時候の挨拶: jikounoaisatsu: compliments of the season <<< 挨拶
synonyms: 季節
related words: 時期


pronunciation: josetsu
keyword: weather
translation: snow clearance
除雪する: josetsusuru: clear [remove] the snow [snowdrifts]
除雪機: josetsuki: snowplow <<<
除雪車: josetsusha <<<
除雪作業: josetsusagyou: snow-removing work <<< 作業
除雪作業員: josetsusagyouin: snow-removing worker [hand] <<<
related words: 雪掻き


pronunciation: suzukaze
keyword: weather
translation: cool [refreshing] breeze


pronunciation: sunaarashi
keyword: weather
translation: sandstorm


pronunciation: seiten
keyword: weather
translation: blue sky
青天の霹靂: seitennnohekireki: bolt from the blue, thunderclap
青天白日旗: seitenhakujitsuki: flag of the republic of China (Taiwan)
synonyms: 晴天 , 青空


pronunciation: seiten
keyword: weather
translation: fine weather, clear [bright, cloudless] sky
晴天続き: seitentsuZuki: long spell of fine weather <<<
synonyms: 青空 , 青天

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