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Direct access: 国外 , 国際 , 国籍 , 国民 , 国名 , 故国 , 国家 , 国境 , 坂道 , 砂漠


pronunciation: kokugai
keyword: geography
translation: overseas
国外に: kokugaini: outside the country, abroad, over seas, beyond the sea
国外犯: kokugaihan: crimes committed outside Japan <<<
国外追放: kokugaitsuihou: deportation <<< 追放
antonyms: 国内
related words: 外国


pronunciation: kokusai
keyword: politics , geography
translation: international (n.), cosmopolitan (n.)
国際の: kokusaino: international (a.), cosmopolitan (a.)
国際人: kokusaijin: cosmopolite, cosmopolitan (n.) <<<
国際法: kokusaihou: international law <<<
国際化: kokusaika: internationalization, globalization <<<
国際会議: kokusaikaigi: international conference <<< 会議
国際関係: kokusaikankei: international relationship <<< 関係
国際紛争: kokusaihunsou: international disputes <<< 紛争
国際管理: kokusaikanri: international control <<< 管理
国際警察: kokusaikeisatsu: International Criminal Police Organization, Interpol <<< 警察
国際結婚: kokusaikekkon: international marriage <<< 結婚
国際電話: kokusaidenwa: international call <<< 電話
国際貿易: kokusaiboueki: international trade <<< 貿易
国際放送: kokusaihousou: international broadcasting <<< 放送
国際連盟: kokusairenmei: League of Nations <<< 連盟
国際連合: kokusairengou: United Nations <<< 連合 , 国連
related words: 海外 , 国外


pronunciation: kokuseki
keyword: politics , geography
translation: nationality, citizenship
国籍を偽る: kokusekioitsuwaru: disguise one's nationality <<<
国籍法: kokusekihou: law of nationality, Nationality Act <<<
国籍剥奪: kokusekihakudatsu: revocation of citizenship <<< 剥奪
国籍放棄: kokusekihouki: renunciation of citizenship <<< 放棄
国籍取得: kokusekishutoku: acquisition of citizenship <<< 取得
国籍不明: kokusekihumei: unknown nationality <<< 不明
国籍証明書: kokusekishoumeisho: certificate of nationality


pronunciation: kokumin
keyword: politics , geography
translation: people (of a nation), citizen, subject, nationals
国民の: kokuminnno: national
国民兵: kokuminhei: militia <<<
国民性: kokuminsei: national traits, characteristics <<<
国民所得: kokuminshotoku: national income <<< 所得
国民投票: kokumintouhyou: referendum <<< 投票
国民保険: kokuminhoken: social security, national health insurance <<< 保険
国民年金: kokuminnnenkin: (national) pension <<< 年金
国民生活: kokuminseikatsu: national life <<< 生活
国民運動: kokuminnundou: popular [national] movement [campaign] <<< 運動
国民総生産: kokuminsouseisan: gross national product
非国民: hikokumin: unpatriotic person <<<
related words: 人民


pronunciation: kokumei
keyword: geography
translation: country's name


pronunciation: kokoku
keyword: geography
translation: one's own country [land], one's home
故国の人: kokokunohito: compatriots, fellow countrymen <<<
synonyms: 故郷


pronunciation: kokka
keyword: geography , politics
translation: nation, state, country
国家の: kokkano: national, governmental, official
国家的: kokkateki <<<
国家権力: kokkakenryoku: state [governmental] authority <<< 権力
国家機密: kokkakimitsu: state secrecy <<< 機密
国家機関: kokkakikan: state organ <<< 機関
国家元首: kokkagenshu: head of state
国家公務員: kokkakoumuin: national public official, servant
国家試験: kokkashiken: national examination <<< 試験
国家主義: kokkashugi: nationalism <<< 主義
国家主義者: kokkashugisha: nationalist <<<
synonyms: 政府


pronunciation: kokkyou
keyword: geography , war
translation: frontier, (national) boarder, boundary
国境線: kokkyousen: boarder line <<<
国境紛争: kokkyouhunsou: boundary dispute <<< 紛争
国境地帯: kokkyouchitai: border area <<< 地帯
国境警備: kokkyoukeibi: border guard <<< 警備
国境警備兵: kokkyoukeibihei: frontier-guard <<<
国境侵犯: kokkyoushinpan: border violation
国境画定: kokkyoukakutei: delimitation of frontier
related words: 境界


pronunciation: sakamichi
keyword: geography
translation: (road on) slope, inclined way


pronunciation: sabaku
keyword: geography , nature
translation: desert, sand
砂漠化: sabakuka: desertification <<<
related words: 砂丘

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