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Direct access: 飼育 , 獅子 , 尻尾 , 縞馬 , 白兎 , 白熊 , 獣医 , 水牛 , 海象 , 絶滅


pronunciation: shiiku
keyword: animal
translation: breeding, rearing
飼育する: shiikusuru: breed, raise, rear
飼育者: shiikusha: breeder <<<
飼育場: shiikujou: breeding farm <<<
related words: 養殖


pronunciation: shishi
keyword: animal , astronomy
translation: lion, lioness
獅子座: shishiza: Leo, the Lion <<<
獅子鼻: shishibana: pug (snub) nose <<<
related words: ライオン


pronunciation: shippo
keyword: animal
translation: tail, scut, end
尻尾を出す: shippoodasu: show the cloven hoof <<<
尻尾を巻く: shippoomaku: admit one's defeat <<<
尻尾を握る: shippoonigiru: find a person's weak point <<<
尻尾を掴む: shippootsukamu <<<
尻尾を振る: shippoohuru: wag its tail <<<
犬の尻尾: inunoshippo: dog's tail <<<
猫の尻尾: nekonoshippo: cat's tail <<<


pronunciation: shimauma
keyword: animal
translation: zebra


pronunciation: shirousagi, hakuto
keyword: animal
translation: white rabbit
synonyms: 雪兎


pronunciation: shirokuma
keyword: animal
translation: white [polar] bear


pronunciation: juui
keyword: animal , medicine
translation: veterinary (surgeon), veterinarian
獣医の: juuino: veterinary (a.)
獣医学: juuigaku: veterinary medicine <<<
獣医学部: juuigakubu: veterinary faculty <<< 学部
獣医学校: juuigakkou: veterinary college <<< 学校


pronunciation: suigyuu
keyword: animal
translation: water buffalo


pronunciation: seiuchi
other spells: セイウチ
keyword: animal
translation: walrus


pronunciation: zetsumetsu
keyword: animal
translation: extermination, extinction
絶滅する: zetsumetsusuru: exterminate, extinguish, die out
絶滅した: zetsumetsushita: extinct
related words: 消滅

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