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Direct access: 訳者 , 要項 , 要約 , 読物 , 連載 , 朗読 , , , ,


pronunciation: yakusha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: translator
related words: 翻訳


pronunciation: youkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: essential points, principles, outline
related words: 概要 , 要綱


pronunciation: youyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: summary, résumé, abridged statement
要約する: youyakusuru: summarize, outline, digest, abridge
related words: 概要 , 概略


pronunciation: yomimono
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 読み物
keyword: book
translation: reading matter, book
軽い読物: karuiyomimono: light reading <<<
難しい読物: muzukashiiyomimono: hard reading <<<
旅の読物: tabinoyomimono: traveler's book <<<
related words:


pronunciation: rensai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: serialization
連載する: rensaisuru: publish [run] serially, serialize
連載される: rensaisareru: appear [be published] serially
連載小説: rensaishousetsu: serial novel <<< 小説


pronunciation: roudoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: reading aloud, recitation
朗読する: roudokusuru: read aloud, recite
朗読会: roudokukai: public reading <<<
朗読者: roudokusha: reader, reciter <<<
朗読法: roudokuhou: elocution <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: book
Number of strokes: 5
translation: cut fine, publish (in the past man used woods to print)
刊る: kezuru: shave, chip, whittle <<<
刊む: kizamu: cut fine, hash, chop up <<<

category: to learn in school
other spells: 號
keyword: book
Number of strokes: 5
translation: shout, cry, exclaim, instructions, directions, order, command, number of magazine, issue, edition, suffix of a ship's [train's, plane's] name
gou, kou
号ぶ: sakebu: shout, cry, give a cry, exclaim, clamor, shriek, scream, roar <<<
号: iitsuke: instructions, directions, order, command
号: yobina: title, pen name, pseudonym, alias

category: to learn in school
keyword: book
Number of strokes: 5
translation: source, origin, book
hon, pon, bon
本: hon: book, true (pref., jp.), real, official, main, unit to count sticks [bottles]
本: pon, bon: unit to count sticks [bottles]
本: moto: source, origin <<<
本の形で: honnnokatachide: in book form <<<
本にして: honnnishite
本を書く: honnokaku: write a book <<<
本を出す: honnodasu: publish a book <<< , 出版
本を読む: honnoyomu: read a book <<< , 読書
本の虫: honnnomushi: bookworm <<<
synonyms: , 読物 , ブック

category: to learn in school
keyword: book
Number of strokes: 7
translation: tell [relate, express] in order, foreword, preface
序の口: jonokuchi: start, first stage <<< ,
序で: tsuide: next, secondly, in the next [second] place, after, subsequently, occasion (jp.), opportunity <<<
序べる: noberu: state, mention, tell, relate, express, explain, refer to <<<

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