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Direct access: 経緯 , 経度 , 県庁 , 現地 , 公海 , 高原 , 後進 , 広大 , 高地 , 故郷


pronunciation: keii, ikisatsu
keyword: geography
translation: longitude and latitude, circumstance, details, particulars
経緯儀: keiigi: theodolite <<<
related words: 経度 , 緯度 , 事情


pronunciation: keido
keyword: geography
translation: longitude
経度の: keidono: longitudinal
経度を計る: keidoohakaru: calculate the longitude <<<
antonyms: 緯度


pronunciation: kenchou
keyword: geography
translation: prefectural office
県庁所在地: kenchoushozaichi: seat of prefectural government


pronunciation: genchi
keyword: geography
translation: spot, field
現地の: genchino: local
現地で: genchide: on the spot [scene]
現地採用: genchisaiyou: employment of locals <<< 採用
現地時間: genchijikan: local time <<< 時間
現地生産: genchiseisan: local production <<< 生産
現地調査: genchichousa: field survey [investigation] <<< 調査
現地調査をする: genchichousaosuru: make a field survey [investigation]
現地調達: genchichoutatsu: procurement in the field
現地報告: genchihoukoku: spot report <<< 報告
現地放送: genchihousou: on-the-spot broadcast <<< 放送
related words: 当地


pronunciation: koukai
keyword: geography , sea
translation: high [open] seas
公海漁業: koukaigyogyou: high-sea fishery <<< 漁業


pronunciation: kougen, takahara
keyword: geography
translation: plateau, tableland
高原地帯: kougenchitai: highlands <<< 地帯
synonyms: 高地


pronunciation: koushin
keyword: geography
translation: backward, underdeveloped, behind one's time, sterway, backward motion, younger man [generation]
後進する: koushinsuru: go [back] astern
後進国: koushinkoku: underdeveloped nation <<<
後進性: koushinsei: backwardness <<<
related words: 先進


pronunciation: koudai
keyword: geography
translation: vastness, extension
広大な: koudaina: vast, extensive
広大無辺: koudaimuhen: vast and boundless, immeasurable


pronunciation: kouchi
keyword: geography
translation: high ground, highlands, upland, hill, heights
高地民族: kouchiminzoku: high-land tribe, highlander <<< 民族
上高地: kamikouchi: Kamikochi (a tourist site in Nagano) <<< , 長野
synonyms: 高原
antonyms: 低地


pronunciation: kokyou, hurusato
keyword: geography
translation: one's old home, one's home country [town, village], one's birthplace
故郷の: kokyouno: native, home (a.)
故郷に帰る: kokyounikaeru: go home <<<
synonyms: 故国 , 郷里
related words: 田舎 , 実家

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