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Direct access: 主人 , 主婦 , 少女 , 少年 , 所帯 , 親近 , 親戚 , 親族 , 親友 , 親類


pronunciation: shujin
keyword: family
translation: master, landlord, husband, host, shopkeeper
主人公: shujinkou: hero, heroine <<<
主人役: shujinnyaku: host, hostess <<<
主人顔をする: shujingaoosuru: assume a proprietary air <<<
店の主人: misenoshujin: shopkeeper, storekeeper <<<
女主人: onnnashujin: housewife, hostess, landlady, female shopkeeper <<<
御主人: goshujin: your husband <<<
related words: 亭主


pronunciation: shuhu
keyword: family
translation: housewife
主婦団体: shuhudantai: association of housewives <<< 団体
主婦連合会: shuhurengoukai: housewives' federation
related words: 主人


pronunciation: shoujo
keyword: family , life
translation: girl, young girl
少女の様な: shoujonoyouna: girlish <<<
少女らしい: shoujorashii
少女小説: shoujoshousetsu: story of girls <<< 小説
少女時代: shoujojidai: girlhood <<< 時代
少女歌劇: shoujokageki: girls' opera
美少女: bishoujo: pretty girl <<<
related words: , 少年


pronunciation: shounen
keyword: family , life
translation: boy, juvenile
少年の様な: shounennnoyouna: boyish <<<
少年らしい: shounenrashii
少年院: shounennin: reformatory, workhouse <<<
少年法: shounenhou: juvenile law <<<
少年団: shounendan: Boy Scouts <<<
少年団員: shounendannin: boy scout <<<
少年犯罪: shounenhanzai: juvenile delinquency <<< 犯罪
少年時代: shounenjidai: boyhood <<< 時代
少年雑誌: shounenzasshi: boy's magazine <<< 雑誌
少年保護: shounenhogo: youth welfare <<< 保護
青少年: seishounen: the youth, rising [younger] generation <<<
青少年教育: seishounenkyouiku: education of youth <<< 教育
青少年補導: seishounenhodou: protection and guidance of young people <<< 補導
美少年: bishounen: handsome boy <<<
狼少年: ookamishounen: The Boy Who Cried Wolf <<<
related words: 少女 , 年少 , ボーイ


pronunciation: shotai
keyword: family
translation: household, housekeeping, family, home
所帯の: shotaino: housewifely, house (a.)
所帯を持つ: shotaiomotsu: keep (a) house, set up a home, marry <<< , 結婚
所帯持ち: shotaimochi: married person
所帯持ちが良い: shotaimochigaii, shotaimochigayoi: be a good housekeeper
所帯を畳む: shotaiotatamu: give up housekeeping <<<
所帯数: shotaisuu: number of households <<<
所帯主: shotainushi: head of a family, householder <<<
所帯道具: shotaidougu: household goods [necessaries] <<< 道具
大所帯: oojotai: large family <<<
新所帯: shinjotai: new family <<<
synonyms: 家庭 , 世帯


pronunciation: shinkin
keyword: family
translation: relative, relation, affinity
親近感: shinkinkan: sense of intimacy <<<
親近感を覚える: shinkinkannooboeru: feel a sense of intimacy (with) <<<
親近感を持つ: shinkinkannomotsu <<<
synonyms: 親類 , 近親


pronunciation: shinseki
keyword: family
translation: relative, relation, immediate family
親戚である: shinsekidearu: be a relation of, be related to
親戚付合い: shinsekiZukiai: intercourse with one's relative <<< 付合
synonyms: 親類 , 親族


pronunciation: shinzoku
keyword: family
translation: relatives
親族会議: shinzokukaigi: family council <<< 会議
親族関係: shinzokukankei: relationship, kinship <<< 関係
親族結婚: shinzokukekkon: intermarriage <<< 結婚
synonyms: 親戚 , 親類 , 眷属


pronunciation: shinnyuu
keyword: family , love
translation: close friend
synonyms: 仲良し
related words: 友人


pronunciation: shinrui
keyword: family
translation: relative, relation
親類である: shinruidearu: be a relation of, be related to
親類付合い: shinruiZukiai: intercourse with one's relative <<< 付合
親類縁者: shinruienja: friends and relatives
親類関係: shinruikankei: relationship, kinship <<< 関係
近い親類: chikaishinrui: close relative <<<
遠い親類: tooishinrui: remote relative <<<
synonyms: 親戚 , 親族

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