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Direct access: 評価 , 費用 , 不足 , 返納 , 補正 , 簿記 , 前金 , 前払 , 見積 , 明細


pronunciation: hyouka
keyword: accounting
translation: appreciation, appraisal, estimation
評価する: hyoukasuru: appreciate, estimate
評価額: hyoukagaku: estimated value, assess <<<
評価版: hyoukaban: demo version <<<
評価損: hyoukazon: depreciation (in value), decline [decrease] in value <<<
高く評価する: takakuhyoukasuru: set a high value on, make much of <<<
related words: 見積


pronunciation: hiyou
keyword: accounting
translation: expenditure, expense, cost
費用が掛かる: hiyougakakaru: be expensive [costly] <<<
費用の掛かる: hiyounokakaru: expensive, costly
費用が嵩む: hiyougakasamu: One's expenses run up <<<
費用を惜しまない: hiyouooshimanai: spare no expense <<<
費用を負担する: hiyouohutansuru: bear the expenses <<< 負担
related words: 経費


pronunciation: husoku
keyword: accounting
translation: insufficiency, lack (n.), shortage, deficiency, dissatisfaction, discontent, complaint, grievance
不足の: husokuno: insufficient, lacking, short, deficient
不足した: husokushita
不足する: husokusuru: be insufficient, lack (v.), be short of
不足を補う: husokuooginau: make up a deficiency, supply the shortage <<<
不足額: husokugaku: shortage, deficit, difference <<<
不足税: husokuzei: short postage, postage due <<<
不足料: husokuryou <<<
寝不足: nebusoku: want to sleep, insufficient sleep <<<
寝不足で: nebusokude: from want to sleep, owing to insufficient sleep
寝不足の為: nebusokunotame <<<
力不足: chikarabusoku: lack of ability, inadequacy <<<


pronunciation: hennnou
keyword: accounting
translation: restitution, refund (n.), reimbursement
返納する: hennnousuru: return (a thing to a person), give back, refund (v.), reimburse


pronunciation: hosei
keyword: accounting
translation: correction, amendment, revision
補正する: hoseisuru: correct, amend, revise
補正値: hoseichi: corrected [revised] value <<<
補正予算: hoseiyosan: supplementary [revised] budget <<< 予算
related words: 修正 , 訂正


pronunciation: boki
keyword: accounting
translation: bookkeeping
簿記を付ける: bokiotsukeru: keep books [accounts] <<<
簿記係: bokigakari: bookkeeper, ledger clerk <<<
簿記帳: bokichou: account book <<<


pronunciation: maekin
keyword: accounting
translation: payment in advance
前金で払う: maekindeharau: pay in advance <<<
related words: 前払


pronunciation: maebarai
keyword: accounting
translation: prepayment, advance payment, upfront, cash with order (CWO.), cash before delivery (CBD.)
前払する: maebaraisuru: pay beforehand [in advance]
related words: 前金


pronunciation: mitsumori
keyword: accounting
translation: estimation, appraisal, assessment, evaluation
見積の: mitsumorino: estimated
見積する: mitsumorisuru: estimate, assess, evaluate
見積もる: mitsumoru
低く見積もる: hikukumitsumoru: underestimate, undervalue <<<
高く見積もる: takakumitsumoru: overestimate, overvalue <<<
見積書: mitsumorisho: written estimate <<<
見積額: mitsumorigaku: estimated sum <<<
見積価格: mitsumorikakaku: estimated cost <<< 価格
synonyms: 評価


pronunciation: meisai
keyword: accounting
translation: details, particulars
明細な: meisaina: detailed
明細に: meisaini: minutely, in detail, in full
明細書: meisaisho: detailed statement, document <<<

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