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Direct access: 黒星 , 形勢 , 競馬 , 決勝 , 決定 , 決闘 , 欠場 , 牽制 , 健闘 , 拳闘


pronunciation: kuroboshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: black dot [spot], bull's-eye, defeat mark, failure
黒星を取る: kuroboshiotoru: lose a game [match, point] <<<
antonyms: 白星


pronunciation: keisei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , sport
translation: situation, state of things [affairs], outlook, prospect
形勢が良い: keiseigaii: The situation is favorable <<<
形勢が悪い: keiseigawarui: The situation is unfavorable <<<
形勢が悪化する: keiseigaakkasuru: Things are getting worse <<< 悪化
形勢を見る: keiseiomiru: watch the development of affairs, sit one the fence <<<
形勢を観望する: keiseiokanbousuru
形勢が一変する: keiseigaippensuru: The tide turns, The situation takes on a new aspect


pronunciation: keiba
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , amusement
translation: horse racing, horse race
競馬場: keibajou: race course, turf <<<
競馬馬: keibauma: race horse <<<
競馬騎手: keibakishu: jockey <<< 騎手
草競馬: kusakeiba: local horse race <<<


pronunciation: kesshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: decision of a contest
決勝戦: kesshousen: final contest [game, match] <<< , 決戦
決勝線: kesshousen: goal [finish] line <<< , ゴール
決勝点: kesshouten: game point <<<
準決勝: junkesshou: semi-final match <<<


pronunciation: kettei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: decision, determination, edict, trial order, verdict
決定する: ketteisuru: decide, determine
決定を下す: ketteiokudasu <<<
決定的: ketteiteki: decisive, final, conclusive, definitive <<<
決定的勝利: ketteitekishouri: decisive victory <<< 勝利
決定的瞬間: ketteitekishunkan: decisive moment, crossroads <<< 瞬間
決定的に: ketteitekini: decisively, definitively <<<
決定版: ketteiban: final [definitive] edition <<<
決定権: ketteiken: decisive power <<<
決定票: ketteihyou: decisive vote <<<
決定打: ketteida: game-winning hit (in baseball) <<<
決定論: ketteiron: determinism <<<
決定論者: ketteironsha: determinist <<<
related words: 決断


pronunciation: kettou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , sport
translation: duel (n.)
決闘する: kettousuru: duel (v.)
決闘状: kettoujou: written challenge <<<
決闘者: kettousha: duelist <<<
決闘に応じる: kettounioujiru: take up the challenge <<<
決闘を申込む: kettouomoushikomu: challenge (a person) to a duel <<< 申込
related words: 対決


pronunciation: ketsujou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: absence (in a game)
欠場する: ketsujousuru: be absent [not participate] (in a game)
related words: 欠席


pronunciation: kensei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: restraint, diversion, feint
牽制する: kenseisuru: restrain, divert
牽制球: kenseikyuu: feint ball (in baseball) <<<
牽制作戦: kenseisakusen: diversionary tactics <<< 作戦


pronunciation: kentou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: good fight, strenuous efforts
健闘する: kentousuru: make a good fight


pronunciation: kentou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: boxing, pugilism
拳闘する: kentousuru: box with
拳闘場: kentoujou: boxing ring <<<
拳闘界: kentoukai: boxing circles <<<
拳闘試合: kentoushiai: boxing match <<< 試合
拳闘選手: kentousenshu: boxer, pugilist <<< 選手
related words: ボクシング

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