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Direct access: 猫背 , 禿頭 , 肌身 , 鼻先 , 半身 , 左手 , 人差指 , 皮膚 , 平手 , 腹部


pronunciation: nekoze
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: stoop, humpback
猫背の: nekozeno: stooping, humpbacked, round-shouldered


pronunciation: hageatama
kanji characters: 禿 ,
keyword: body
translation: bald head, bald-headed man
禿頭の: hageatamano: bald-headed


pronunciation: hadami
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: naked body
肌身離さず: hadamihanasazu: always with one <<<


pronunciation: hanasaki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: tip of the nose
鼻先に: hanasakini: under one's very nose
鼻先であしらう: hanasakideashirau: mock a person, treat a person dismissively


pronunciation: hanshin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: half the body, one side of the body
半身像: hanshinzou: half-length statue [portrait], bust <<<
半身不随: hanshinhuzui: hemiplegia
半身不随の: hanshinhuzuino: hemiplegic
上半身: jouhanshin: upper half of one's body <<<
下半身: kahanshin: lower half of one's body <<<
related words: 全身


pronunciation: hidarite
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: one's left hand
左手に: hidariteni: on the left
antonyms: 右手


pronunciation: hitosashiyubi
kanji characters: , ,
other spells: 人差し指
keyword: body
translation: index finger, forefinger
related words: 親指 , 中指 , 薬指 , 小指


pronunciation: hihu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: skin (n.)
皮膚の: hihuno: skin (a.), cutaneous
皮膚の色: hihunoiro: complexion, skin color <<<
皮膚病: hihubyou: skin disease <<<
皮膚炎: hihuen: dermatitis, eczema <<< , 湿疹
皮膚科: hihuka: dermatology <<<
皮膚科医: hihukai: dermatologist, skin specialist <<<
皮膚癌: hihugan: skin [cutaneous] cancer <<<
皮膚筋炎: hihukinnen: dermatomyositis
皮膚呼吸: hihukokyuu: cutaneous respiration <<< 呼吸


pronunciation: hirate
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: palm, open hand
平手で打つ: hiratedeutsu: slap (v.), spank, pat <<<
平手を喰わす: hirateokuwasu <<<
平手打ち: hirateuchi: slap (n.) in the face <<<
related words: 拳骨


pronunciation: hukubu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: abdomen, belly
腹部の: hukubuno: abdominal
腹部痛: hukubutsuu: stomachache, bellyache, colic <<< , 腹痛
synonyms: 御腹

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