Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8
Direct access: 河豚 , 遍羅 , 魴鮄 , 放流 , 真鯛 , 焼魚 , 山女 , 養殖 , 漁師 , 公魚


pronunciation: hugu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: フグ
keyword: fish
translation: globefish, swellfish, blowfish, fugu


pronunciation: bera
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fish
translation: wrasse


pronunciation: houbou
other spells: 竹麦魚, ホウボウ
keyword: fish
translation: gurnard, gurnet


pronunciation: houryuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fish , nature
translation: discharge (of water), sowing (of the river)
放流する: houryuusuru: discharge (water), stock (the stream) with, plant in
鱒を放流する: masuohouryuusuru: stock with trout <<<


pronunciation: madai
kanji characters: ,
other spells: マダイ
keyword: fish
translation: red seabream


pronunciation: yakizakana
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 焼き魚
keyword: fish
translation: roast [broiled] fish


pronunciation: yamame
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fish
translation: Seema, Japanese salmon
related words:


pronunciation: youshoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fish
translation: raising, culture (n.), farming
養殖する: youshokusuru: raise, breed, cultivate, culture (v.)
養殖場: youshokujo: nursery, farm <<<
養殖者: youshokusha: pisciculturist, breeder <<<
養殖鱒: youshokumasu: cultivated trout <<<
養殖鮪: youshokumaguro: cultivated tuna <<<
養殖鰻: youshokuunagi: cultivated eel <<<
養殖法: youshokuhou: farming method, pisciculture <<<
養殖真珠: youshokushinju: cultivated pearl <<< 真珠
養殖牡蠣: youshokukaki: cultivated oyster <<< 牡蠣
鱒の養殖: masunoyoushoku: trout farming <<<
related words: 飼育


pronunciation: ryoushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fish
translation: fisherman
related words: 猟師


pronunciation: wakasagi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 若鷺
keyword: fish
translation: pond smelt

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