Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14
Direct access: 爆笑 , 場面 , 番組 , 悲劇 , 披露 , 舞台 , 蛇遣い , 放送 , 本番 , 幕間


pronunciation: bakushou
keyword: show
translation: roar of laughter
爆笑する: bakushousuru: burst out laughing, burst into laughter


pronunciation: bamen
keyword: show
translation: scene, place, spot
場面が変わる: bamengakawaru: The scene changes [shifts] <<<
related words: シーン


pronunciation: bangumi
keyword: media , show
translation: tv program, radio program
番組に入れる: banguminiireru: put on the program <<<
番組通りにする: bangumidoorinisuru: follow the program <<<
related words: プログラム


pronunciation: higeki
keyword: show
translation: tragedy, tragic drama
悲劇の: higekino: tragic, very sad
悲劇的: higekiteki <<<
悲劇俳優: higekihaiyuu: tragic actor, tragedian <<< 俳優
悲劇役者: higekiyakusha <<< 役者
悲劇作家: higekisakka: tragedian, tragic dramatist <<< 作家
related words: 喜劇


pronunciation: hirou
keyword: show
translation: announcement, introduction
披露する: hirousuru: announce, introduce


pronunciation: butai
keyword: show
translation: stage, platform, scene, theater
舞台を踏む: butaiohumu: appear before the footlights, go on the stage <<<
舞台に立つ: butainitatsu <<<
舞台を去る: butaiosaru: quit [retire from] the stage <<<
舞台を退く: butaioshirizoku <<< 退
舞台が変わる: butaigakawaru: The scene shifts [changes] <<<
舞台裏: butaiura: backstage <<<
舞台劇: butaigeki: stage drama <<<
舞台監督: butaikantoku: stage director <<< 監督
舞台装置: butaisouchi: stage setting <<< 装置
舞台効果: butaikouka: scenic effect <<< 効果
舞台照明: butaishoumei: stage illumination [lighting] <<< 照明
初舞台: hatsubutai: debut <<<
桧舞台: hinokibutai: first-class stage <<<
桧舞台を踏む: hinokibutaiohumu: perform [play] on a first-class stage <<<
回り舞台: mawaributai: revolving stage <<<
related words: 劇場


pronunciation: hebitsukai
other spells: 蛇使い
keyword: show
translation: snake charmer
蛇遣い座: hebitsukaiza: Ophiuchus, snake messenger <<<


pronunciation: housou
keyword: media , show
translation: broadcasting
放送する: housousuru: broadcast
放送局: housoukyoku: (broadcasting) station <<<
放送網: housoumou: (tv) network <<<
放送劇: housougeki: broadcast play <<<
放送時間: housoujikan: broadcasting hours <<< 時間
放送番組: housoubangumi: (tv) program <<< 番組
放送記者: housoukisha: (tv) reporter <<< 記者
放送妨害: housoubougai: jamming <<< 妨害
生放送: namahousou: live broadcast <<<


pronunciation: honban
keyword: show
translation: acting before the audience [camera]


pronunciation: makuai, makuma
keyword: show
translation: interval (between the acts), intermission
幕間に: makuaini: between the acts
幕間狂言: makuaikyougen: interlude

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