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Direct access: 譲渡 , 清算 , 生保 , 節約 , 税金 , 相場 , 多額 , 担保 , 単利 , 脱税


pronunciation: jouto
keyword: finance
translation: transfer (n.), alienation, negotiation, assignment, conveyance, disposal
譲渡する: joutosuru: transfer (v.), alienate, negotiate
譲渡人: joutonin: transferor, assignor, grantor <<<
被譲渡人: hijoutonin: transferee, assignee <<<
譲渡出来る: joutodekiru: transferable, alienable, negotiable <<< 出来
譲渡出来ない: joutodekinai: non-transferable, untransferable, inalienable
譲渡価格: joutokakaku: transfer price <<< 価格
譲渡代価: joutodaika <<< 代価
譲渡所得: joutoshotoku: capital gains <<< 所得
譲渡証書: joutoshousho: deed of transfer <<< 証書


pronunciation: seisan
keyword: finance , law
translation: liquidation
清算する: seisansuru: clear accounts, liquidate [wind up] (a company), pony up
清算書: seisansho: statement of liquidation <<<
清算日: seisanbi: pay day <<<
清算人: seisannnin: liquidator <<<
清算会社: seisangaisha: company in liquidation <<< 会社
清算取引: seisantorihiki: clearing contract <<< 取引


pronunciation: seiho
keyword: finance
translation: life insurance


pronunciation: setsuyaku
keyword: finance
translation: saving, economy, economization
節約する: setsuyakusuru: save, spare, economize


pronunciation: zeikin
keyword: politics , finance
translation: tax, duty, charge
税金込みで: zeikinkomide: tax included <<<
税金滞納: zeikintainou: tax arrearage <<< 滞納
税金申告: zeikinshinkoku: tax return <<< 申告
税金を申告する: zeikinnoshinkokusuru: make one's tax return
related words: 関税 , タックス


pronunciation: souba
keyword: finance , economy
translation: market price, quotation, speculation, estimation
相場が上がる: soubagaagaru: rise in price <<<
相場が下がる: soubagasagaru: fall in price <<<
相場で儲ける: soubademoukeru: make money by speculation <<<
相場師: soubashi: speculator, stockjobber <<<
相場表: soubahyou: list of quotations <<<
相場変動: soubahendou: price fluctuation, fluctuation of a market price <<< 変動
買い相場: kaisouba: buying rate <<<
売り相場: urisouba: selling rate <<<


pronunciation: tagaku
keyword: finance
translation: large sum [amount]
多額の: tagakuno: a large sum [amount] of (money), large, considerable, heavy
多額の金: tagakunokane: a large sum [amount] of money <<<
多額の負債: tagakunohusai: a large sum [amount] of debts <<< 負債
多額納税者: tagakunouzeisha: high [upperbracket] taxpayer
related words: 高額


pronunciation: tanpo
keyword: finance , realty
translation: security, mortgage (n.), guarantee, pledge
担保に入れる: tanponiireru: give (a thing) as security pledge (for), mortgage (v.) <<<
担保に取る: tanponitoru: hold a mortgage on <<<
担保差押: tanposashiosae: foreclosure <<< 差押
担保物権: tanpobukken: real rights granted by a way of security
担保付: tanpotsuki: with security, covered, secured <<<
担保付貸金: tanpotsukikashikin: secured loan
担保付社債: tanpotsukishasai: secured debenture <<< 社債
担保付手形: tanpotsukitegata: bills with collateral securities <<< 手形
無担保: mutanpo: without security, uncovered <<<
related words: 抵当


pronunciation: tanri
keyword: finance
translation: simple interest
単利法: tanrihou: simple interest method <<<
単利で計算する: tanridekeisansuru: calculate at simple interest <<< 計算
antonyms: 複利


pronunciation: datsuzei
keyword: finance , crime
translation: tax evasion
脱税する: datsuzeisuru: evade [dodge] a tax
脱税者: datsuzeisha: tax evader <<<
脱税品: datsuzeihin: smuggled goods <<<
related words: 密輸

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