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Direct access: 戸籍 , 子連れ , 混血 , 後家 , 妻子 , 子女 , 子孫 , 姉妹 , 氏名 , 舎弟


pronunciation: koseki
keyword: family , administration
translation: census registration, family register
戸籍係: kosekigakari: registrar <<<
戸籍役: kosekiyaku <<<
戸籍簿: kosekibo: register book <<< 簿
戸籍謄本: kosekitouhon: copy of one's census register
戸籍抄本: kosekishouhon: abstract of one's census register


pronunciation: koZure
keyword: family
translation: person with a child [children]
子連れの: koZureno: with a child [children]
子連れ狼: koZureookami: Lone Wolf and Cub (a manga of Kazuo Koike, 1970-1976) <<<


pronunciation: konketsu
keyword: family , biology
translation: interbreeding, crossbreeding, crossing
混血の: konketsuno: mixed-blooded
混血児: konketsuji: half-breed, hybrid <<<
related words: 雑種 , 合の子 , ハイブリッド


pronunciation: goke
keyword: family
translation: widow, widowhood
後家に成る: gokeninaru: lose one's husband <<<
後家で通す: gokedetoosu: remain a widow <<<
synonyms: 未亡人


pronunciation: saishi
keyword: family
translation: one's wife and children [family]
妻子を養う: saishioyashinau: support [keep] one's family <<<


pronunciation: shijo
keyword: family
translation: children, sons and daughters
related words: 子供


pronunciation: shison
keyword: family
translation: descendent, offspring
antonyms: 先祖


pronunciation: shimai
keyword: family
translation: sisters
姉妹の様な: shimainoyouna: sisterly <<<
姉妹艦: shimaikan: sister ship <<<
姉妹船: shimaisen <<<
姉妹校: shimaikou: sister school <<<
姉妹編: shimaihen: companion volume <<<
姉妹会社: shimaigaisha: sister [affiliated] company <<< 会社
姉妹都市: shimaitoshi: sister city <<< 都市
三姉妹: sanshimai: three sisters (a Japanese TV drama) <<<
従姉妹: itoko: cousin (female) <<<
十姉妹: juushimatsu: Bengalese finch, society finch <<<
related words: 兄弟


pronunciation: shimei
keyword: family , crime
translation: name, full name
氏名不詳: shimeihushou: unidentified
氏名点呼: shimeitenko: roll call
related words: 名前


pronunciation: shatei
keyword: family
translation: young brother by convention (in Japanese Yakuza)

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