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Direct access: 専攻 , 先生 , 先輩 , 早退 , 卒業 , 卒論 , 退学 , 単位 , 担任 , 大学


pronunciation: senkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: one's special study, one's (academic) speciality [specialty]
専攻する: senkousuru: study specially, make a speciality [specialty, special study] of, specialize [major] in
専攻科: senkouka: postgraduate course <<<
専攻科目: senkoukamoku: special study, major <<< 科目
副専攻: hukusenkou: secondary [minor, subsidiary] subject <<<
synonyms: 専門


pronunciation: sensei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: teacher, professor, doctor
synonyms: 教師 , 教員


pronunciation: senpai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: senior, superior, elder, older graduate
先輩面をする: senpaiZuraosuru: assume an air of seniority, make much of one's seniority <<<
related words: 後輩 ,


pronunciation: soutai
kanji characters: , 退
keyword: school
translation: earlier leave of school [the office] than usual
早退する: soutaisuru: leave school [the office] earlier than usual


pronunciation: sotsugyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: graduation
卒業する: sotsugyousuru: graduate (v.)
卒業式: sotsugyoushiki: graduation ceremony <<<
卒業生: sotsugyousei: graduate (n.), alumnus <<<
卒業免状: sotsugyoumenjou: diploma <<< 免状
卒業証書: sotsugyoushousho <<< 証書
卒業試験: sotsugyoushiken: graduation examination <<< 試験
卒業論文: sotsugyouronbun: graduation thesis <<< 論文 , 卒論
卒業アルバム: sotsugyouarubamu: yearbook
antonyms: 入学


pronunciation: sotsuron
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: graduation thesis


pronunciation: taigaku
kanji characters: 退 ,
keyword: school
translation: leaving school
退学する: taigakusuru: leave [quit, give up] school (halfway)
退学させる: taigakusaseru: take a person out of school, withdraw a person from school, expel a person from school
退学に成る: taigakuninaru: be dismissed [expelled] from school <<<
退学届: taigakutodoke: notice of withdrawal from school <<<


pronunciation: tanni
kanji characters: ,
keyword: unit , school
translation: unit, credit, measure, denomination
単位の: tannino: unitary
単位を取る: tanniotoru: take a unit <<<
単位制度: tanniseido: accrediting system <<< 制度
単位面積: tannimenseki: unitary surface <<< 面積
単位行列: tannigyouretsu: unit matrix <<< 行列
related words: ユニット


pronunciation: tannnin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job , school
translation: charge
担任する: tannninsuru: take charge of, be in charge of
担任教師: tannninkyoushi: teacher in charge (of) <<< 教師
担任のクラス: tannninnnokurasu: class in [under] one's charge
related words: 担当


pronunciation: daigaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: university, college
大学校: daigakkou <<<
大学の: daigakuno: university (a.), academic
大学生: daigakusei: university student <<<
大学院: daigakuin: post graduate course <<<
大学町: daigakumachi: university town <<<
大学病院: daigakubyouin: university hospital <<< 病院
大学教授: daigakukyouju: university [college] professor <<< 教授
大学教育: daigakukyouiku: university [college] education <<< 教育
大学紛争: daigakuhunsou: student uprisings <<< 紛争
大学総長: daigakusouchou: rector

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