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Direct access: 三国 , 山賊 , 司教 , 使者 , 子爵 , 史上 , 執事 , 酋長 , 宗派 , 出土


pronunciation: sangoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography , history
translation: three countries (especially Japan, China and India)
三国一: sangokuichi: best of the world, peerless <<<
三国人: sangokujin: Asian foreigners from ex Japanese colonies <<<
三国志: sangokushi: Chinese historic novel on the Three Kingdoms <<<
三国時代: sangokujidai: period when China was divided three kingdoms <<< 時代
三国同盟: sangokudoumei: Triple Alliance <<< 同盟
三国協定: sangokukyoutei: Tripartite Agreement <<< 協定
三国干渉: sangokukanshou: Triple Intervention <<< 干渉
三国協商: sangokukyoushou: Triple Entente
第三国: daisangoku: a third nation <<<


pronunciation: sanzoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , crime
translation: brigand, bandit (of mountains)
山賊の群れ: sanzokunomure: gang of bandits <<<
山賊に会う: sanzokuniau: fall among bandits <<<
山賊行為: sanzokukoui: brigandage <<< 行為
related words: 海賊


pronunciation: shikyouza
kanji characters: ,
keyword: christianity , history
translation: bishop
司教の: shikyouno: episcopal, pontifical
司教座: shikyouza: bishopric, pontificate <<<
大司教: daishikyou: archbishop <<<


pronunciation: shisha
kanji characters: 使 ,
keyword: history
translation: messenger, envoy
使者を遣わす: shishaotsukawasu: send a messenger <<<
使者を立てる: shishaotateru <<<


pronunciation: shishaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: viscount
子爵領: shishakuryou: viscounty <<<
子爵夫人: shishakuhujin: viscountess <<< 夫人
related words: 公爵 , 伯爵 , 侯爵 , 男爵


pronunciation: shijou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: in history
史上稀な: shijoumarena: unparalleled in history <<<
史上類の無い: shijouruinonai


pronunciation: shitsuji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: steward, butler, manager, deacon


pronunciation: shuuchou
kanji characters:
keyword: history
translation: tribal chief, headman


pronunciation: shuuha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion , history
translation: religious sect, denomination, communion, cult
宗派的: shuuhateki: sectarian, denominational <<<


pronunciation: shutsudo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: excavation
出土する: shutsudosuru: be excavated, be unearthed
出土品: shutsudohin: an excavation, excavated object <<<

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