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Direct access: 成分 , 前菜 , 総菜 , 即席 , 素材 , 粗食 , 食物 , 玉子 , 蛋白 , 出汁


pronunciation: seibun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry , food
translation: component, element, constituent, ingredient
成分表: seibunhyou: list of ingredients [components, constituents] <<<
成分表示: seibunhyouji <<< 表示
副成分: hukuseibun: accessory ingredients <<<


pronunciation: zensai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: hors d'oeuvre, appetizer
synonyms: オードブル


pronunciation: souzai
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 惣菜
keyword: food
translation: daily [common] dishes
御総菜: osouzai <<<
総菜料理: souzairyouri: family cooking <<< 料理
related words: 御数


pronunciation: sokuseki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: improvisation
即席の: sokusekino: extempore, improvised, offhand (a.)
即席で: sokusekide: offhand (adv.), impromptu
即席で作る: sokusekidetsukuru: make (a thing) on the spot, improvise, ad-lib <<<
即席麺: sokusekimen: instant noodles <<<
即席料理: sokusekiryouri: pickup dish <<< 料理
即席演説: sokusekienzetsu: offhand speech <<< 演説
related words: インスタント


pronunciation: sozai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: material , food
translation: (raw) material, subject matter, theme
related words: 材料


pronunciation: soshoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: plain food, poor diet
粗食する: soshokusuru: live on poor food, live on a frugal diet


pronunciation: tabemono, shokumotsu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 食べ物
keyword: food
translation: food, provisions, victuals
食物が良い: tabemonogaii: be well fed <<<
食物が悪い: tabemonogawarui: be ill fed <<<
食物を与える: tabemonooataeru: feed <<<
食物屋: tabemonoya: eating house, shop where food is sold <<< , 食堂 , レストラン
食物の恨み: tabemononourami: jealousy about food <<<
synonyms: フード


pronunciation: tamago
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: egg
玉子焼: tamagoyaki: omelet <<< , オムレツ


pronunciation: tanpaku
kanji characters: ,
other spells: タンパク
keyword: biology , food
translation: protein
蛋白質: tanpakushitsu <<<
蛋白質の: tanpakushitsuno: proteinic, albuminous
蛋白尿: tanpakunyou: albuminuria <<< 尿
蛋白石: tanpakuseki: opal <<<
related words: 脂肪 , 澱粉


pronunciation: dashi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 出し
keyword: food
translation: broth, stock
出汁を取る: dashiotoru: prepare stock <<<
出汁に使う: dashinitsukau: make a cat's-paw of a person, use a person as a tool <<< 使
を出汁にして: odashinishite: under the pretext of

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