Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14
Direct access: 手品 , 闘牛 , 登場 , 動画 , 道化 , 入場 , 人気 , 熱狂 , 能面 , 花道


pronunciation: tejina
keyword: show
translation: jugglery, conjuration, magic
手品師: tejinashi: juggler, conjurer, magician <<<
手品を使う: tejinaotsukau: juggle <<< 使
related words: 奇術


pronunciation: tougyuu
keyword: show
translation: bullfight, fighting bull
闘牛士: tougyuushi: bullfighter, matador, toreador <<<
闘牛場: tougyuujou: bull ring <<<


pronunciation: toujou
keyword: show , literature
translation: entrance, appearance (on the stage, movie, novel)
登場する: toujousuru: enter, appear (on the stage, movie, novel)
登場人物: toujoujinbutsu: character, dramatis personae <<< 人物


pronunciation: douga
keyword: computer , show
translation: animation, animated cartoon, video
動画の: dougano: animated
動画映画: dougaeiga: animation movie, anime <<< 映画 , アニメ
related words: 漫画 , ビデオ


pronunciation: douke
keyword: show
translation: buffoonery, drollery
道化染みた: doukejimita: ludicrous, farcical <<<
道化者: doukemono: jester, joker <<<
道化師: doukeshi: clown, buffoon, fool, pierrot <<<
道化役者: doukeyakusha <<< 役者
道化芝居: doukeshibai: farce <<< 芝居
related words: ピエロ


pronunciation: nyuujou
keyword: sport , show
translation: entrance, admission
入場する: nyuujousuru: enter, be admitted (in, into)
入場料: nyuujouryou: admission fee <<<
入場税: nyuujouzei: admission tax <<<
入場券: nyuujouken: entrance [admission] ticket, platform ticket <<<
入場券売場: nyuujoukennuriba: ticket [booking] office <<< 売場
入場者: nyuujousha: visitors, attendance <<<
入場式: nyuujoushiki: opening ceremony <<<
入場随意: nyuujouzuii: free to all
入場無料: nyuujoumuryou: admission free <<< 無料
入場禁止: nyuujoukinshi: No admittance [entrance] <<< 禁止


pronunciation: ninki
keyword: show
translation: popularity, public favor
人気の: ninkino: popular
人気が有る: ninkigaaru: be popular, enjoy popularity, be in vogue <<<
人気が無い: ninkiganai: be unpopular, lack popularity <<<
人気が増す: ninkigamasu: become increasingly popular, rise in popularity <<<
人気を投じる: ninkiotoujiru: catch the public fancy <<<
人気を取る: ninkiotoru: win [gain] popularity, make a hit, create a sensation <<<
人気取り: ninkitori: bid for popularity
人気者: ninkimono: idol, favorite <<<
人気俳優: ninkihaiyuu: screen idol <<< 俳優
人気作家: ninkisakka: popular writer <<< 作家
人気投票: ninkitouhyou: popularity vote <<< 投票


pronunciation: nekkyou
keyword: show
translation: wild excitement, frenzy, craze
熱狂的: nekkyouteki: wild, frantic, enthusiastic, crazy, rapturous <<<
熱狂する: nekkyousuru: be [grow] excited (with, over), have a craze (for), be crazy (about)
熱狂して: nekkyoushite: frantically, mad [wild] with excitement
熱狂者: nekkyousha: fanatic, enthusiast <<<


pronunciation: noumen
keyword: show , japan
translation: noh mask
related words:


pronunciation: hanamichi
keyword: show , job
translation: passage leading to the stage, runway
花道を飾る: hanamichiokazaru: retire in glory <<<

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