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Direct access: 一頭 , 一匹 , 井守 , 海豚 , 餌食 , 獲物 , 牡牛 , 牡鹿 , 膃肭臍 , 鉤爪


pronunciation: ittou
keyword: unit , animal
translation: one head, one animal
一頭立て: ittoudate: one horse carriage, gig, buggy <<<
一頭立ての馬車: ittoudatenobasha <<< 馬車
一頭地を抜く: ittouchionuku: cut a conspicuous figure (among), stand head and shoulders above (others), outshine (others)
synonyms: 一匹


pronunciation: ippiki
keyword: unit , animal
translation: one animal [bird, fish]
一匹狼: ippikiookami: lone wolf, maverick <<<
synonyms: 一頭


pronunciation: imori
other spells: イモリ
keyword: animal
translation: newt


pronunciation: iruka
other spells: イルカ
keyword: animal , astronomy
translation: dolphin, porpoise
海豚座: irukaza: Delphinus <<<
related words:


pronunciation: ejiki
keyword: animal
translation: food, prey, victim
餌食に成る: ejikininaru: become the prey [victim] of, fall a prey [victim] to <<<
餌食と成る: ejikitonaru
餌食にする: ejikinisuru: prey (upon), make a prey (of)


pronunciation: emono
keyword: animal
translation: game, bag, catch, take, prize, booty, spoils, capture
獲物の多い: emononoooi: abounding in game, well-stocked with game <<<
獲物を追う: emonooou: chase game <<<
獲物入れ: emonoire: gamebag <<<
related words: 狩猟


pronunciation: oushi
other spells: 雄牛
keyword: animal , astronomy
translation: ox, bull
牡牛座: oushiza: Taurus <<<


pronunciation: oshika, ojika
other spells: 男鹿
keyword: animal
translation: stag, buck
牡鹿半島: oshikahantou, ojikahantou: Oshika [Ojika] Peninsula <<< 半島
related words: 宮城


pronunciation: ottosei
other spells: オットセイ
keyword: animal
translation: fur seal
related words: 海馬


pronunciation: kagiZume, kagitsume
keyword: animal , bird
translation: claw

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