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Direct access: 形勢 , 警備 , 敬礼 , 決死 , 決戦 , 決闘 , 憲兵 , 迎撃 , 激化 , 激戦


pronunciation: keisei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , sport
translation: situation, state of things [affairs], outlook, prospect
形勢が良い: keiseigaii: The situation is favorable <<<
形勢が悪い: keiseigawarui: The situation is unfavorable <<<
形勢が悪化する: keiseigaakkasuru: Things are getting worse <<< 悪化
形勢を見る: keiseiomiru: watch the development of affairs, sit one the fence <<<
形勢を観望する: keiseiokanbousuru
形勢が一変する: keiseigaippensuru: The tide turns, The situation takes on a new aspect


pronunciation: keibi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: security , war
translation: security, police, guard (n.)
警備する: keibisuru: defend, guard (v.), keep guard
警備を解く: keibiotoku: call off the guard <<<
警備に就く: keibinitsuku: stand guard <<<
警備員: keibiin: guard (man), watch <<<
警備艦: keibikan: guard-ship <<<
警備隊: keibitai: garrison <<<
related words: 保安 , セキュリティー , 防犯 , 警護


pronunciation: keirei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , greeting
translation: salutation, salute (n.)
敬礼する: keireisuru: salute (v.)


pronunciation: kesshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: desperation, despair
決死の: kesshino: desperate, death-defying
決死の覚悟で: kesshinokakugode: at the risk of one's life, with desperate course <<< 覚悟
決死隊: kesshitai: forlorn hope, suicide corps <<<
related words: 必死


pronunciation: kessen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: decisive battle
決戦する: kessensuru: fight a decisive battle, fight to a finish


pronunciation: kettou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , sport
translation: duel (n.)
決闘する: kettousuru: duel (v.)
決闘状: kettoujou: written challenge <<<
決闘者: kettousha: duelist <<<
決闘に応じる: kettounioujiru: take up the challenge <<<
決闘を申込む: kettouomoushikomu: challenge (a person) to a duel <<< 申込
related words: 対決


pronunciation: kenpei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: military police-man, MP, shore patrol-man, SP
憲兵隊: kenpeitai: military police, shore patrol <<<


pronunciation: geigeki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , airplane
translation: interception
迎撃する: geigekisuru: intercept
迎撃戦闘機: geigekisentouki: interceptor


pronunciation: gekika
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: intensification, aggravation
激化する: gekikasuru: intensify, aggravate


pronunciation: gekisen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: severe [fierce] battle, desperate fight, hot contest, slugfest
激戦: gekisenchi: hard-fought field

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