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Direct access: 接点 , 線分 , 絶対 , 相関 , 算盤 , 対応 , 対角 , 対数 , 体積 , 多角


pronunciation: setten
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 切点
keyword: mathematics
translation: point of contact


pronunciation: senbun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: segment


pronunciation: zettai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics , politics
translation: absoluteness
絶対の: zettaino: absolute, unconditioned, unconditional
絶対に: zettaini: absolutely, unconditionally, positively
絶対数: zettaisuu: absolute value <<<
絶対値: zettaichi <<<
絶対善: zettaizen: absolute good <<<
絶対権: zettaiken: absolute right <<<
絶対温度: zettaiondo: absolute temperature <<< 温度
絶対零度: zettaireido: absolute zero
絶対安静: zettaiansei: complete rest
絶対多数: zettaitasuu: absolute majority <<< 多数
絶対主義: zettaishugi: absolutism <<< 主義
絶対主義者: zettaishugisha: absolutist <<<
絶対服従: zettaihukujuu: absolute obedience <<< 服従


pronunciation: soukan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: mutual relation, correlation
相関性: soukansei <<<
相関関係: soukankankei <<< 関係
相関的: soukanteki: mutually related, correlative <<<
相関係数: soukankeisuu: coefficient of correlation <<< 係数


pronunciation: soroban
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: abacus
算盤高い: sorobandakai: be calculating <<<
算盤が合わない: sorobangaawanai: The accounts do not square, It is a losing business <<<
算盤が取れる: sorobangatoreru: pay, be profitable <<<
算盤の取れる: sorobannnotoreru: paying, profitable
算盤を弾く: sorobannohajiku: work [use] an abacus, calculate <<<
算盤玉: sorobandama: counter <<<
算盤珠: sorobandama <<<


pronunciation: taiou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: symmetry, correspondence, similitude, match
対応する: taiousuru: correspond with [to], be equivalent to, cope with
対応策: taiousaku: countermeasure, counterplan <<< , 対策
related words: 対称


pronunciation: taikaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: opposite angle
対角線: taikakusen: diagonal line <<<
対角線の: taikakusennno: diagonal (a.)
対角線を引く: taikakusennohiku: draw a diagonal line <<<


pronunciation: taisuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: logarithm
対数の: taisuuno: logarithmic
対数関数: taisuukansuu: logarithmic function <<< 関数
antonyms: 指数


pronunciation: taiseki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: volume, capacity
体積の: taisekino: cubic, volumetric
related words: 面積 , 容積


pronunciation: takaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: many angles, many directions
多角形: takakkei: polygon <<<
多角形の: takakkeino: polygonal
正多角形: seitakakkei: regular [equilateral] polygon <<<
多角的: takakuteki: many-sided, multiple, multilateral, diversified <<<
多角化: takakuka: diversification <<<
多角化する: takakukasuru: diversify
多角経営: takakukeiei: diversified [multiple] business <<< 経営

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