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Direct access: 冒頭 , 無罪 , 無実 , 目撃 , 猶予 , 留置 , 流刑 , 牢屋 , 和解 ,


pronunciation: boutou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: beginning (n.), opening
冒頭の: boutouno: beginning (a.), opening
冒頭に: boutouni: at the opening
冒頭陳述: boutouchinjutsu: opening statement


pronunciation: muzai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: innocence
無罪の: muzaino: innocent, guiltless
無罪とする: muzaitosuru: declare (a person) not guilty, acquit (a person)
無罪に成る: muzaininaru: be found not guilty, be acquitted <<<
無罪を申立てる: muzaiomoushitateru: plead not guilt (to a crime) <<< 申立
無罪宣告: muzaisenkoku: verdict of not guilty
無罪判決: muzaihanketsu <<< 判決
無罪放免: muzaihoumen: acquittal (and discharge)


pronunciation: mujitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: innocence
無実の: mujitsuno: innocent
無実の罪: mujitsunotsumi: false accusation <<< , 無罪


pronunciation: mokugeki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: witnessing, Absolute Power (American movie by Clint Eastwood, 1997)
目撃する: mokugekisuru: witness (v.), see with one's own eyes
目撃者: mokugekisha: witness (person), eyewitness <<<


pronunciation: yuuyo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: postponement, extension (of time), grace, delay, hesitation, moratorium
猶予する: yuuyosuru: postpone, give (a person) time, give (a day's) grace, reprieve
猶予無く: yuuyonaku: without delay, without hesitation, promptly, at once <<<
猶予期間: yuuyokikan: period [days] of grace <<< 期間


pronunciation: ryuuchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: detention, lockup, custody
留置する: ryuuchisuru: detain, lock up, keep (a person) in custody
留置所: ryuuchisho, ryuuchijo: lockup, police cell <<<
留置場: ryuuchijou <<<
related words: 刑務所


pronunciation: rukei, ryuukei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: banishment, deportation, exile (n.)
流刑に処する: rukeinishosuru: banish, deport, exile (v.) <<<
流刑人: rukeinin: an exile <<<


pronunciation: rouya
kanji characters:
keyword: justice
translation: prison, jail, goal
牢屋に入る: rouyanihairu: be cast into prison <<<
牢屋に入れる: rouyaniireru: imprison
牢屋を出る: rouyaoderu: be released from prison <<<
牢屋を破る: rouyaoyaburu: break jail [prison] <<<
related words: 監獄 , 刑務所


pronunciation: wakai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: conciliation, reconciliation, compromise (n.)
和解する: wakaisuru: reconcile (vi.), conciliate, compromise (v.)
和解させる: wakaisaseru: reconcile (vt.), make peace between, settle a dispute peacefully
和解者: wakaisha: peacemaker, pacifier <<<
和解手続: wakaitetsuZuki: attempt to reconcile [at reconciliation] <<< 手続
related words: 調停

category: to learn in school
keyword: justice
Number of strokes: 5
translation: right, just, proper, correct, accurate, exact, amend, reform, rectify
sei, shou
正しい: tadashii: right (a.), just, proper, correct, accurate, exact, rightful, lawful, legitimate, sound, righteous, upright, truthful, honest
正しく: tadashiku: rightly, properly, honestly, correctly
正ない: tadashikunai: wrong, unjust, dishonest, improper, illegal, incorrect
正す: tadasu: correct (v.), amend, reform, rectify, set right, revise, adjust
正: kami: chief, superior, head (fig.) <<<
正に: masani: just (adv.), exactly, precisely, surely, certainly, really
正しく: masashiku: surely, certainly, no doubt
正にしようとする: masanishiyoutosuru: be about [going] to do, be on the point [brink, verge] of doing
正しくしようとする: masashikushiyoutosuru
正: akira, kami, sada, taka, tada, tsura, nao, nobu, masa, masashi: pers.
Kanji words: 正式 , 更正 , 正午 , 矯正 , 訂正 , 改正 , 正解 , 校正 , 正気 , 正味 , 正確 , 公正 , 正直 , 正月 , 適正 , 正面 , 正念 , 正道 , 補正 , 正常 , 純正 , 正義 , 修正 , 正当 , 不正 , 正体 , 正規
Expressions: 検事正 , 秩序正しく , 正比例 , 姿勢を正す , 正方形 , 正方形の , 規律正しい , 規律正しく , 貞操の正しい , 正会員 , 正社員 , 正多角形 , 礼儀正しい , 襟を正す

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