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Direct access: 恒例 , 九日 , 今年 , 今回 , 今後 , 今週 , 今度 , 今日 , 五月 , 後日


pronunciation: kourei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: usual practice, tradition, custom
恒例の: koureino: usual, customary
恒例に拠り: koureiniyori: as usual, according to the (time-honored) custom <<<


pronunciation: kokonoka, kyuunichi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 9日
keyword: calendar
translation: nine days, the ninth day (of month)
九日間: kokonokakan: nine days <<<
九日目: kokonokame: ninth day <<<


pronunciation: kotoshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: this year, the present [current] year
今年中は: kotoshichuuha: during this year <<<
今年中に: kotoshichuuni, kotoshijuuni: before [by] the end of the year
今年一杯に: kotoshiippaini <<< 一杯
今年の夏: kotoshinonatsu: this summer <<<
related words: 去年 , 来年


pronunciation: konkai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: this time, now
今回は違う: konkaiwachigau: this time is different <<<
related words: 前回 , 次回 , 今度


pronunciation: kongo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: hereafter, henceforth
今後の: kongono: from now, in the future, coming


pronunciation: konshuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: this week
今週中に: konshuuchuuni: in the course of this week, during [in] the week <<<
今週の金曜: konshuunokinnyou: this Friday <<< 金曜
今週の金曜に: konshuunokinnyouni: on this Friday
related words: 先週 , 来週


pronunciation: kondo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: this time, now (n.), next (another) time, shortly, soon, lately, recently
今度は: kondowa: now
今度の: kondono: new, present, next, coming, last, recent
今度だけ: kondodake: just this time, for (this) once
今度限り: kondokagiri <<<
今度から: kondokara: in future, from now
related words: 今回


pronunciation: konnnichi, kyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar , greeting
translation: today, nowadays, now
今日は: konnnichiwa, konnnichiwa: good-morning, good-afternoon, good-day, hello, hallo, hi, nowadays
今日は晴天なり: konnnichiwaseitennnari: The weather is fine today (phrase used for a microphone test) <<< 晴天
今日中に: konnnichijuuni, kyoujuuni: this very day <<<
related words: 現代 , 今晩


pronunciation: gogatsu, satsuki
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 5月
keyword: calendar
translation: May
五月祭: gogatsusai: May Day <<<
五月雨: samidare, satsukiame: early summer rain <<< , 梅雨
五月人形: gogatsuningyou: dolls for boy's festival <<< 人形


pronunciation: gojitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: in the future, some other day, later (on)
後日談: gojitsudan: sequel (to the story) <<<
明後日: myougonichi, asatte: tomorrow but one, the day after tomorrow <<<
明明後日: shiasatte: two days after tomorrow, three days hence, tomorrow but two <<<
related words: 明日 , 翌日 , 先日

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