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Direct access: 退化 , 炭水化物 , 蛋白 , 澱粉 , 淘汰 , 糖分 , 特徴 , 突起 , 突然 , 同棲


pronunciation: taika
kanji characters: 退 ,
keyword: biology
translation: degeneration, retrogression, atrophy, devolution
退化する: taikasuru: degenerate, retrograde, regress, be atrophied
退化器官: taikakikan: reduced organ <<< 器官
antonyms: 進化


pronunciation: tansuikabutsu
kanji characters: , , ,
keyword: biology , chemistry
translation: carbohydrate
related words: 澱粉


pronunciation: tanpaku
kanji characters: ,
other spells: タンパク
keyword: biology , food
translation: protein
蛋白質: tanpakushitsu <<<
蛋白質の: tanpakushitsuno: proteinic, albuminous
蛋白尿: tanpakunyou: albuminuria <<< 尿
蛋白石: tanpakuseki: opal <<<
related words: 脂肪 , 澱粉


pronunciation: denpun
kanji characters:
keyword: biology , food
translation: starch, dextrin
澱粉質の: denpunshitsuno: starchy, farinaceous <<<
澱粉糖: denpuntou: glucose, starch sugar <<<
related words: 炭水化物 , 蛋白 , 脂肪


pronunciation: touta
keyword: biology , job
translation: selection, dismissal
淘汰する: toutasuru: select, weed [comb] out, dismiss


pronunciation: toubun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology
translation: amount of sugar, sucrose
糖分を含んだ: toubunnohukunda: sugary <<<
糖分を含む: toubunnohukumu
related words: 砂糖 , 糖尿病


pronunciation: tokuchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology
translation: special [distinctive] feature, characteristic, peculiarity, trait, individuality
特徴の有る: tokuchounoaru: characteristic, peculiar, remarkable, striking <<<
特徴の無い: tokuchounonai: featureless, common <<<
特徴を成す: tokuchouonasu: constitute a characteristic feature (of) <<<
特徴付ける: tokuchouZukeru <<<
特徴表示: tokuchouhyouji: description, particulars <<< 表示
related words: 特長


pronunciation: tokki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology
translation: projection, protuberance
突起する: tokkisuru: project, protrude, form a projection
突起した: tokkishita: projecting, protruding


pronunciation: totsuzen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology
translation: suddenly, unexpectedly, abruptly
突然に: totsuzennni
突然の: totsuzennno: sudden, unexpected, abrupt
突然変異: totsuzenhenni: mutation <<< 変異
突然変異体: totsuzenhennitai: mutant <<< , ミュータント
related words: 突如


pronunciation: dousei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love , biology
translation: cohabitation
同棲する: douseisuru: cohabit, live together
同棲者: douseisha: cohabitant <<<

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