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Direct access: 内燃 , 歯止 , 反転 , 不動 , 振子 , 粉砕 , 変形 , 変速 , 摩擦 , 摩滅


pronunciation: nainen
keyword: mechanics
translation: internal combustion
内燃機関: nainenkikan: internal combustion engine <<< 機関 , エンジン , モーター


pronunciation: hadome
keyword: mechanics
translation: brake (n.), ratch, ratchet
歯止を掛ける: hadomeokakeru: brake (v.) <<<
synonyms: ブレーキ


pronunciation: hanten
keyword: mechanics
translation: reversal, reversion, U-turn, about-turn
反転する: hantensuru: turn [roll] over, turn reversely, reverse one's course, make a U-turn
反転フィルム: hantenfirumu: reversal film


pronunciation: hudou
keyword: mechanics
translation: immovableness, motionlessness
不動の: hudouno: immovable, motionless, steadfast
不動の姿勢: hudounoshisei: position at attention <<< 姿勢
不動の姿勢を取る: hudounoshiseiotoru: stand at attention <<<
不動明王: hudoumyouou: Acala, god of fire


pronunciation: huriko
other spells: 振り子
keyword: mechanics
translation: pendulum, bob
振子運動: hurikoundou: pendular movement, pendulum motion <<< 運動
振子時計: hurikodokei: pendulum clock <<< 時計


pronunciation: hunsai
keyword: mechanics
translation: smash (n.), pulverization, crush
粉砕する: hunsaisuru: shatter, smash (a thing) to pieces, pulverize, crush, grind
粉砕機: hunsaiki: crusher, grinder <<<
敵を粉砕する: tekiohunsaisuru: crush the enemy <<<
related words: 粉々 , 破壊 , 殲滅


pronunciation: henkei
keyword: mechanics
translation: transformation, metamorphosis, modification
変形する: henkeisuru: change [turn] (into), be transformed [metamorphosed] (into), transform, change
変形文法: henkeibunpou: transformational grammar <<< 文法
related words: 変化


pronunciation: hensoku
keyword: mechanics
translation: speed change
変速する: hensokusuru: change speed
変速機: hensokuki: gearshift <<< , ギア
変速装置: hensokusouchi <<< 装置
変速レバー: hensokurebaa: gear lever


pronunciation: masatsu
keyword: mechanics
translation: friction, trouble
摩擦の: masatsuno: frictional, fricative
摩擦する: masatsusuru: rub (against), take a rubdown
摩擦音: masatsuon: fricative consonant <<<
摩擦熱: masatsunetsu: friction heat <<<
摩擦力: masatsuryoku: frictional power <<<
摩擦計: masatsukei: tribometer <<<
摩擦電気: masatsudenki: frictional electricity <<< 電気
摩擦抵抗: masatsuteikou: frictional resistance <<< 抵抗
摩擦係数: masatsukeisuu: frictional coefficient <<< 係数
related words: 摩滅


pronunciation: mametsu
keyword: mechanics
translation: wear (and tear), defacement
摩滅する: mametsusuru: be defaced, be worn out, wear out
related words: 摩擦

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