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Direct access: 異国 , 位置 , 緯度 , 田舎 , 運河 , 沿海 , 沿岸 , 尾根 , 海外 , 海岸


pronunciation: ikoku
keyword: geography , travel
translation: foreign country
異国の: ikokuno: exotic
異国風の: ikokuhuuno <<<
異国の憧れ: ikokunoakogare: wanderlust <<<
異国人: ikokujin: foreigner <<< , 外人
異国情緒: ikokujoucho: exotic mood, exoticism <<< 情緒
related words: 外国


pronunciation: ichi
keyword: geography
translation: situation, localization, position
位置する: ichisuru: be situated, [located, positioned]
位置を占める: ichioshimeru <<<
位置に就く: ichinitsuku: take a position <<<
位置が良い: ichigaii: be well situated <<<
位置が悪い: ichigawarui: be ill situated <<<
位置を定める: ichiosadameru: fix position, locate <<<


pronunciation: ido
keyword: geography
translation: latitude, parallel
緯度の: idono: latitudinal
高緯度: kouido: high latitude <<<
低緯度: teiido: low latitude <<<
中緯度: chuuido: middle latitude <<<
antonyms: 経度


pronunciation: inaka
keyword: geography
translation: countryside, country (n.), province, one's home, birthplace
田舎の: inakano: rural, rustic, country (a.)
田舎に行く: inakaniiku: go to the country <<<
田舎に住む: inakanisumu: live in the country <<<
田舎住まい: inakazumai: country [rural] life
田舎育ちの: inakasodachino: country-bred <<<
田舎臭い: inakakusai: boorish, rustic (a.) <<<
田舎風: inakahuu: country-like, rustic (a.), bucolic <<<
田舎道: inakamichi: country road <<<
田舎弁: inakaben: provincial dialect, provincialism <<<
田舎訛: inakanamari <<<
田舎言葉: inakakotoba <<< 言葉
田舎者: inakamono: countryman, rustic (n.), hoosier, hillbilly <<<
田舎娘: inakamusume: country girl <<<
田舎料理: inakaryouri: dish cooked in country fashion <<< 料理
田舎芝居: inakashibai: country theater <<< 芝居
related words: 地方 , 田園 , 故郷


pronunciation: unga
keyword: geography , ship
translation: canal, waterway
運河を掘る: ungaohoru: dig a canal <<<
運河を開く: ungaohiraku: make [cut] a canal <<<
運河地帯: ungachitai: canal zone <<< 地帯


pronunciation: enkai
keyword: geography , sea
translation: coast, sea along the coast
沿海の: enkaino: in-shore, coastal
沿海州: enkaishuu: maritime province <<<
沿海漁業: enkaigyogyou: coastal [in-shore] fishery <<< 漁業
related words: 沿岸 , 近海


pronunciation: engan
keyword: geography , sea
translation: coast
沿岸の: engannno: coastal
沿岸地方: enganchihou: coastal region, coast <<< 地方
沿岸貿易: enganboueki: coastal trade <<< 貿易
沿岸漁業: engangyogyou: coastal fishery <<< 漁業
沿岸航海: engankoukai: coastal shipping <<< 航海
沿岸航路: engankouro: coasting [coastal] line [route] <<< 航路
沿岸航路船: engankourosen: coastal steamer, coaster <<<
沿岸防御: enganbougyo: coast defense <<< 防御
沿岸警備: engankeibi: coastal patrol <<< 警備
沿岸警備隊: engankeibitai: coast guard <<<
沿岸警備艇: engankeibitei: coastguard boat <<<
related words: 沿海


pronunciation: one
keyword: geography
translation: ridge


pronunciation: kaigai
keyword: travel , geography
translation: overseas [foreign] countries
海外の: kaigaino: foreign, overseas (a.)
海外に: kaigaini: abroad, overseas (adj.)
海外から: kaigaikara: from abroad
海外版: kaigaiban: overseas edition <<<
海外移転: kaigaiiten: offshoring <<< 移転
海外勤務: kaigaikinmu: overseas assignment <<< 勤務
海外市場: kaigaishijou: international [foreign] market <<< 市場
海外貿易: kaigaiboueki: overseas [foreign] trade <<< 貿易
海外投資: kaigaitoushi: foreign investment <<< 投資
海外事情: kaigaijijou: foreign affairs <<< 事情
海外視察: kaigaishisatsu: tour of inspection abroad <<< 視察
海外派兵: kaigaihahei: overseas deployment of armed forces
海外放送: kaigaihousou: overseas broadcasting <<< 放送
海外旅行: kaigairyokou: foreign [oversea] tour <<< 旅行
海外ニュース: kaigainyuusu: overseas news
synonyms: 外国


pronunciation: kaigan
keyword: geography , sea
translation: seaside, shore, seashore, coast, beach
海岸に: kaigannni: on the shore, upon the coast
海岸の: kaigannno: seaside, coastal
海岸線: kaigansen: coastline, shoreline, coastal railroad <<<
海岸通: kaigandoori: waterfront <<<
海岸地方: kaiganchihou: seaside district <<< 地方
海岸防御: kaiganbougyo: coastal guard <<< 防御
東海岸: higashikaigan, toukaigan: east coast <<<
西海岸: nishikaigan: west coast <<< 西
related words: 浜辺 , 海辺

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