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Direct access: 合格 , 採点 , 師範 , 志望 , 修了 , 宿題 , 商科 , 小学 , 奨学 , 私立


pronunciation: goukaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: success (in an examination), eligibility (for a post)
合格する: goukakusuru: pass [succeed in] an examination
合格者: goukakusha: successful candidate <<<
合格点: goukakuten: passing mark <<<
合格通知: goukakutsuuchi: acceptance letter <<< 通知
不合格: hugoukaku: disqualification, failure (in an examination) <<< , 落第 , 失格
不合格の: hugoukakuno: unqualified, disqualified, rejected
不合格に成る: hugoukakuninaru: be disqualified, be rejected <<<
不合格者: hugoukakusha: disqualified person [candidate] <<<
不合格品: hugoukakuhin: rejected goods, throwout <<<


pronunciation: saiten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school , sport
translation: rating, marking, scoring
採点する: saitensuru: give marks, rate (v.), mark, score
採点が甘い: saitengaamai: be generous in grading [marking] <<<
採点が辛い: saitengakarai: be severe in grading [marking] <<<


pronunciation: shihan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: instructor, teacher, master
師範代: shihandai: assistant instructor <<<
師範学校: shihangakkou: normal school <<< 学校


pronunciation: shibou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: wish (n.), desire, aspiration
志望する: shibousuru: wish (v.), desire, aspire to
志望者: shibousha: applicant (for), candidate (for) <<<
志望校: shiboukou: school of one's choice <<<
志望学科: shibougakka: desired course <<< 学科
related words: 志願


pronunciation: shuuryou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: completion (of a course)
修了する: shuuryousuru: finish, complete
修了証書: shuuryoushousho: diploma, certificate <<< 証書
related words: 終了 , 卒業


pronunciation: shukudai
kanji characters: 宿 ,
keyword: school
translation: homework, assignment
宿題をする: shukudaiosuru: do one's homework
宿題を出す: shukudaiodasu: set a homework <<<
宿題にする: shukudainisuru: reserve for future discussion
宿題帳: shukudaichou: workbook <<<


pronunciation: shouka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: commercial course department
商科大学: shoukadaigaku: commercial college, business school <<< 大学


pronunciation: shougaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: elementary study [learning]
小学生: shougakusei: pupil <<<
小学校: shougakkou: elementary school <<<
小学校教員: shougakkoukyouin: elementary school's teacher <<< 教員
小学教育: shougakukyouiku: elementary education <<< 教育
related words: 中学 , 大学


pronunciation: shougaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: encouragement to studies
奨学金: shougakukin: scholarship, fellowship <<<
奨学生: shougakusei: scholarship student <<<


pronunciation: shiritsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: private enterprise [sector]
私立の: shiritsuno: private (a.), under private management
私立学校: shiritsugakkou: private school <<< 学校
私立大学: shiritsudaigaku: private university <<< 大学
私立探偵: shiritsutantei: private detective <<< 探偵
antonyms: 公立
related words: 私的 , プライベート

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