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Direct access: 安全 , 安定 , 異常 , 移送 , 遺族 , 遺体 , 一輪 , 一方 , 移転 , 移動


pronunciation: anzen
keyword: transport , security
translation: safety, security
安全な: anzennna: safe, secure (a.)
安全に: anzennni: safely, securely
安全にする: anzennnisuru: secure (v.), make safe
安全弁: anzenben: safety valve <<<
安全柵: anzensaku: security barrier <<<
安全策: anzensaku: backstop <<<
安全第一: anzendaiichi: safety first <<< 第一
安全装置: anzensouchi: safety lock, safeguard <<< 装置
安全剃刀: anzenkamisori: safety razor <<< 剃刀
安全地帯: anzenchitai: safety zone <<< 地帯
安全保障条約: anzenhoshoujouyaku: security pact <<< 条約
安全保障理事会: anzenhoshourijikai: Security Council
安全ベルト: anzenberuto: seat belt
安全ピン: anzenpin: safety pin
related words: 無難


pronunciation: antei
keyword: transport , politics
translation: stability, stabilization, steadiness, ballast
安定な: anteina: stable, steady
安定した: anteishita
安定する: anteisuru: stabilize (vi.)
安定させる: anteisaseru: stabilize (vt.)
安定化: anteika: stabilization <<<
安定性: anteisei: stability <<<
安定感: anteikan: sense of security <<<
安定装置: anteisouchi: stabilizer <<< 装置
安定勢力: anteiseiryoku: stabilizing power <<< 勢力
不安定: huantei: unstable, unsteady, wonky, wobbly, slippery <<<


pronunciation: ijou
keyword: transport , medicine
translation: anomaly, abnormality, disorder, trouble
異常な: ijouna: abnormal, unusual, atypical
異常に: ijouni: abnormally, unusually
異常児: ijouji: abnormal child <<<
異常反応: ijouhannnou: allergy, abnormal reaction [response] <<< 反応
異常接近: ijousekkin: near miss <<< 接近
異常乾燥: ijoukansou: abnormal dryness <<< 乾燥
異常事態: ijoujitai: abnormal situation <<< 事態
異常状態: ijoujoutai: abnormal state <<< 状態
related words: 変態 , 正常


pronunciation: isou
keyword: transport
translation: transfer (n.), removal
移送する: isousuru: transfer (v.), remove
related words: 移転 , 移動


pronunciation: izoku
keyword: crime , transport
translation: bereaved [surviving] family
遺族年金: izokunenkin: survivor's annuity [pension] <<< 年金
遺族補償: izokuhoshou: compensation for the bereaved <<< 補償


pronunciation: itai
keyword: crime , transport
translation: dead body, corpse
遺体を収容する: itaioshuuyousuru: recover the remains <<< 収容
遺体安置所: itaianchisho: mortuary


pronunciation: ichirin
keyword: flower , transport
translation: a (single) flower, a wheel
一輪の: ichirinnno: single-flowered, single-wheeled
一輪挿し: ichirinzashi: single-flower vase <<<
一輪車: ichirinsha: monocycle, unicycle, wheelbarrow <<<


pronunciation: ippou
keyword: transport
translation: on one hand, one side, one party, reversely, meanwhile
一方で: ippoude: on the other hand, while, meanwhile
一方的: ippouteki: unilateral <<<
一方的に: ippoutekini: unilaterally
一方通行: ippoutsuukou: one way (traffic) <<< 通行
一方行為: ippoukoui: unilateral act <<< 行為
related words: 片方


pronunciation: iten
keyword: transport
translation: removal, transfer (n.)
移転する: itensuru: move (vi.), remove, transfer
移転させる: itensaseru: move (vt.), remove, transfer
移転先: itensaki: one's new address <<<
移転料: itenryou: compensation for removal <<<
移転日: itenbi: moving day <<<
移転支出: itenshishutsu: transfer payments <<< 支出
移転通知: itentsuuchi: removal notice <<< 通知
related words: 引越 , 移動


pronunciation: idou
keyword: transport
translation: movement, transfer (n.), travel (n.)
移動する: idousuru: move, transfer (vi.), travel
移動させる: idousaseru: transfer (vt.)
移動性: idouseino: mobility <<<
移動性の: idouseino: mobile
移動式: idoushiki <<<
移動棚: idoudana: mobile rack <<<
移動申告: idoushinkoku: report of one's removal <<< 申告
移動証明: idoushoumei: certificate of one's removal <<< 証明
移動大使: idoutaishi: roving ambassador <<< 大使
移動範囲: idouhanni: margin of displacement <<< 範囲
移動速度: idousokudo: traverse speed <<< 速度
移動展覧会: idoutenrankai: itinerant exhibition <<< 展覧会
移動起重機: idoukijuuki: traveling crane <<< 起重機
移動診療所: idoushinryousho: traveling clinic
移動図書館: idoutoshokan: traveling library, bookmobile
related words: 移転 , 移送

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