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Direct access: 群衆 , 敬老 , 結社 , 公共 , 黒人 , 乞食 , 個人 , 懇意 , 仕来り , 社会


pronunciation: gunshuu
keyword: society
translation: crowd (of people), multitude, throng
群衆心理: gunshuushinri: mob [mass] psychology <<< 心理


pronunciation: keirou
keyword: society
translation: respect for the aged
敬老精神: keirouseishin <<< 精神
敬老の日: keirounohi: Respect-For-The-Aged Day <<<


pronunciation: kessha
keyword: society
translation: association, society
結社を結ぶ: kesshaomusubu: form an association [a society] <<<
結社を作る: kesshaotsukuru <<<
結社の自由: kesshanojiyuu: freedom of association <<< 自由
related words: 団体


pronunciation: koukyou
keyword: society
translation: public (n.)
公共の: koukyouno: public (a.), communal
公共心: koukyoushin: public spirit <<<
公共物: koukyoubutsu: public property [heritage] <<<
公共財産: koukyouzaisan <<< 財産
公共団体: koukyoudantai: public body [entity, organization] <<< 団体
公共衛生: koukyoueisei: public health <<< 衛生
公共施設: koukyoushisetsu: public institution <<< 施設
公共部門: koukyoubumon: public sector <<< 部門
公共事業: koukyoujigyou: public utility <<< 事業
公共生活: koukyouseikatsu: public life <<< 生活
synonyms: 公衆


pronunciation: kokujin
keyword: society
translation: black (people), African
黒人種: kokujinshu: colored [black, Negro] race <<<
黒人女: kokujinonnna: black woman <<<
related words: 白人


pronunciation: kojiki
keyword: society
translation: beggar, mendicant, begging, mendicancy
乞食する: kojikisuru: beg one's bread, ask alms
乞食小屋: kojikigoya: beggar's hut <<< 小屋
乞食根性: kojikikonjou: mean spirit, the beggar <<< 根性
乞食稼業: kojikikagyou: begging, mendicancy
女乞食: onnnakojiki: beggar-woman <<<


pronunciation: kojin
keyword: society
translation: individual (n.)
個人の: kojinnno: personal, individual (a.), private
個人的: kojinteki <<<
個人差: kojinsa: individual difference <<<
個人性: kojinsei: individuality <<<
個人崇拝: kojinsuuhai: personality cult <<< 崇拝
個人教師: kojinkyoushi: tutor, private teacher <<< 教師
個人授業: kojinjugyou: private lesson <<< 授業
個人事業: kojinjigyou: small business <<< 事業
個人経営: kojinkeiei: private enterprise [management] <<< 経営
個人主義: kojinshugi: individualism <<< 主義
個人主義者: kojinshugisha: individualist <<<
個人情報: kojinjouhou: personal information <<< 情報
個人消費: kojinshouhi: personal consumption <<< 消費
個人消費支出: kojinshouhishishutsu: Personal Consumption Expenditure, PCE <<< 支出
related words: プライベート


pronunciation: konni
keyword: society
translation: intimacy, friendship
懇意な: konnina: intimate, familiar, friendly, close
懇意にしている: konninishiteiru: be friends with, be on friendly [intimate] terms with
懇意に成る: konnininaru: become friends [acquainted] with, make a person's acquaintance, become intimate with <<<
related words: 友好 , 付合


pronunciation: shikitari
keyword: society
translation: custom, usage, rite, convention, precedent (n.)
仕来りの: shikitarino: customary, ritual, conventional
仕来りに従う: shikitarinishitagau: conform to the custom <<<
仕来りを破る: shikitarioyaburu: break [violate] the custom <<<
synonyms: 慣例


pronunciation: shakai
keyword: society
translation: society, community
社会の: shakaino: social
社会的: shakaiteki <<<
社会性: shakaisei: sociability <<<
社会学: shakaigaku: sociology <<<
社会党: shakaitou: socialist party <<<
社会科: shakaika: social studies <<<
社会面: shakaimen: social columns <<<
社会化: shakaika: socialization <<<
社会化する: shakaikasuru: socialize
社会現象: shakaigenshou: social phenomenon <<< 現象
社会問題: shakaimondai: social problem <<< 問題
社会運動: shakaiundou: social movement <<< 運動
社会科学: shakaikagaku: social science <<< 科学
社会主義: shakaishugi: socialism <<< 主義
社会主義者: shakaishugisha: socialist <<<

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