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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15
Direct access: 記名 , 金融 , 工面 , 権利 , 下落 , 現物 , 交換 , 控除 , 高利 , 固定


pronunciation: kimei
keyword: politics , finance
translation: register, signature, subscription
記名する: kimeisuru: sign [put down] one's name, register
記名式: kimeishiki: registered <<<
記名株: kimeikabu: name share, registered stock <<<
記名証券: kimeishouken: registered security [bond] <<< 証券
記名社債: kimeishasai: registered debenture <<< 社債
記名投票: kimeitouhyou: signed vote, write-in <<< 投票
無記名: mukimei: anonymity <<<
無記名の: mukimeino: unsigned, unregistered, uninscribed, anonymous
無記名債権: mukimeisaiken: uninscribed bond <<< 債権
無記名社債: mukimeishasai: unregistered debenture <<< 社債
無記名投票: mukimeitouhyou: secret ballot [voting] <<< 投票
無記名貯金: mukimeichokin: uninscribed deposit <<< 貯金
related words: 署名


pronunciation: kinnyuu
keyword: finance , market
translation: finance, banking
金融の: kinnyuuno: financial, monetary
金融界: kinnyuukai: financial circles <<<
金融法: kinnyuuhou: financial law <<<
金融難: kinnyuunan: financial difficulties, lack of money <<<
金融債: kinnyuusai: bank debenture <<<
金融業: kinnyuugyou: financial business <<<
金融業者: kinnyuugyousha: financier, moneylender <<< 業者
金融会社: kinnyuugaisha: finance company, bank <<< 会社 , 銀行
金融市場: kinnyuushijou: monetary market <<< 市場
金融資本: kinnyuushihon: financial capital <<< 資本
金融商品: kinnyuushouhin: financial products <<< 商品
金融派生商品: kinnyuuhaseishouhin: financial derivative products
金融機関: kinnyuukikan: financial agency <<< 機関
金融統制: kinnyuutousei: monetary control
金融危機: kinnyuukiki: financial crisis <<< 危機
金融恐慌: kinnyuukyoukou: financial [monetary] panic <<< 恐慌
金融政策: kinnyuuseisaku: monetary policy <<< 政策
synonyms: ファイナンス
related words: マネー


pronunciation: kumen
keyword: life , finance
translation: contrivance
工面する: kumensuru: manage, contrive, raise money
工面が付く: kumengatsuku: have managed to <<<
工面が良い: kumengayoi: be well-off <<<
工面が悪い: kumengawarui: be badly off <<<


pronunciation: kenri
keyword: law , finance
translation: right, claim, privilege
権利が有る: kenrigaaru: privileged, deserved <<<
権利を与える: kenrioataeru: entitle, enable <<<
権利を譲る: kenrioyuzuru: transfer [hand over] the right <<<
権利を譲渡する: kenriojoutosuru <<< 譲渡
権利を放棄する: kenriohoukisuru: renounce one's rights, release one's right <<< 放棄
権利放棄: kenrihouki: a release, waiver
権利を得る: kenrioeru: get a right <<<
権利を取得する: kenrioshutokusuru <<< 取得
権利を行使する: kenriokoushisuru: exercise one's rights <<< 行使
権利者: kenrisha: holder of a right, entitled person <<<
権利株: kenrikabu: potential shares <<<
権利金: kenrikin: key money <<<
権利書: kenrisho: certificate of title, title deed <<<
権利証書: kenrishousho <<< 証書
権利義務: kenrigimu: right and obligation <<< 義務


pronunciation: geraku
keyword: finance , economy
translation: fall (n.), drop (n.), decline (n.)
下落する: gerakusuru: fall (v.), drop (v.), decline (v.), go down, sag


pronunciation: genbutsu
keyword: business , finance
translation: actual thing, goods, spots
現物で払う: genbutsudeharau: pay in kind <<<
現物給与: genbutsukyuuyo: allowance in kind <<< 給与
現物賠償: genbutsubaishou: reparations in kind <<< 賠償
現物交換: genbutsukoukan: barter <<< 交換
現物支給: genbutsushikyuu: pay in product vouchers <<< 支給
現物市場: genbutsushijou: spot market <<< 市場
現物取引: genbutsutorihiki: spot trading [transaction] <<< 取引
現物売買: genbutsubaibai <<< 売買
現物仲買人: genbutsunakagainin: spot broker


pronunciation: koukan
keyword: business , finance
translation: exchange (n.), interchange, permutation
交換する: koukansuru: exchange (v.), barter, change (v.), permute
交換手: koukanshu: telephone operator <<<
交換台: koukandai: switchboard <<<
交換所: koukanjo: clearing house <<<
交換学生: koukangakusei: exchange student <<< 学生
交換条件: koukanjouken: bargaining point <<< 条件
交換価値: koukankachi: exchange value <<< 価値
交換物資: koukanbusshi: barter goods <<< 物資
交換レート: koukanreeto: exchange rate
交換レンズ: koukanrenzu: interchangeable lens
synonyms: 引換


pronunciation: koujo
keyword: finance
translation: sustraction, deduction
控除する: koujosuru: substract, deduct
控除額: koujogaku: amount dedcuted <<<
税の控除: zeinokoujo: tax deduction <<<


pronunciation: kouri
keyword: finance
translation: high interest, usury
高利で貸す: kouridekasu: lend [borrow] at a high rate of interest <<<
高利貸: kourigashi: usurer, loan shark, usury


pronunciation: kotei
keyword: finance
translation: stability, fixation, fastness, immobilization
固定の: koteino: fixed, stationary, permanent
固定する: koteisuru: settle, be fixed, fix, be locked, immobilize, fixate, impale
固定給: koteikyuu: regular pay, fixed wages <<<
固定客: koteikyaku: established clientele <<<
固定票: koteihyou: solid votes, loyal votes <<<
固定概念: koteigainen: fixed idea, complex <<< 概念
固定金利: koteikinri: fixed interest rate <<< 金利
固定資本: koteishihon: fixed capital <<< 資本
固定資産: koteishisan: fixed property <<< 資産
固定資産税: koteishisanzei: fixed property tax <<<
固定電話: koteidenwa: fixed-line telephone, landline [fixed] phone <<< 電話

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