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Direct access: 改元 , 夏期 , 夏季 , 過去 , 上期 , 火曜 , 干支 , 元日 , 元旦 , 期間


pronunciation: kaigen
keyword: calendar
translation: name change of an era
改元する: kaigensuru: change the name of an era
related words: 年号


pronunciation: kaki
keyword: calendar , school
translation: summer period
夏期の: kakino: summer (a.), summery
夏期時間: kakijikan: daylight saving time, summer time <<< 時間
夏期学校: kakigakkou: summer school <<< 学校
夏期講習: kakikoushuu: summer lecture class [course] <<< 講習
夏期講座: kakikouza <<< 講座
夏期休暇: kakikyuuka: summer vacation [holidays] <<< 休暇
synonyms: 夏季
antonyms: 冬期


pronunciation: kaki
keyword: calendar , sport
translation: summer season
夏季オリンピック: kakiorinpikku: Summer Olympics
synonyms: 夏期
antonyms: 冬季


pronunciation: kako
keyword: calendar , grammar
translation: past (n.), preterite
過去の: kakono: past (a.), bygone
過去に: kakoni: in the past
過去の人: kakonohito: has-been <<<
過去を懐しむ: kakoonatsukashimu: yearn for the past <<<
過去形: kakokei: past tense <<<
過去分詞: kakobunshi: past participle
過去完了: kakokanryou: past perfect tense <<< 完了
大過去: daikako: pluperfect tense <<<
半過去: hankako: imperfect tense <<<
related words: , 現在 , 未来


pronunciation: kamiki
keyword: calendar
translation: first half of the (fiscal) year
antonyms: 下期


pronunciation: kayou
keyword: calendar
translation: Tuesday
火曜日: kayoubi <<<


pronunciation: kanshi
keyword: calendar
translation: Chinese calendar of sexagenary cycle


pronunciation: ganjitsu
keyword: calendar
translation: the first day of the year, new year's day
related words: 元旦 , 正月 , 新年


pronunciation: gantan
keyword: calendar
translation: the first day of the year, new year's day
related words: 元日 , 正月 , 新年


pronunciation: kikan
keyword: calendar
translation: period, duration, term
期間を置く: kikannooku: put a period, set a term <<<
期間中: kikanchuu: within a period <<<
期間延長: kikannenchou: extension of period <<< 延長
期間を延長する: kikannoenchousuru: extend a period
synonyms: 期限

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