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category: JIS1
keyword: animal , game
Number of strokes: 15
translation: steed, young horse, chessman, piece (of chess)
駒: koma: chessman, piece, bridge (of music instrument)
駒を動かす: komaougokasu: make a move (of chess) <<<
related words:

category: JIS1
keyword: animal , mechanics
Number of strokes: 15
translation: bite, gnaw, chew, masticate
噛む: kamu: bite, gnaw, chew, masticate <<<
噛み合い: kamiai: biting [fighting] each other, gearing, engagement <<<
噛み合う: kamiau: bite at [fight with] each other, gear with, occlude <<<
噛み合わせ: kamiawase: biting [fighting] each other, gearing, engagement <<<
噛み合わせる: kamiawaseru: clench one's teeth, engage (gear wheels), set (animals) fighting each other <<<
噛み殺す: kamikorosu: bite to death, suppress, keep back <<<
噛み砕く: kamikudaku: crunch, crash with the teeth <<<
噛み締める: kamishimeru: chew (well), masticate, appreciate, meditate on <<<
噛み付く: kamitsuku: bite [snap] (at) <<<
噛み分ける: kamiwakeru: understand, appreciate <<<
噛る: kajiru: gnaw (upon), nibble (at), bite (at), have a smattering of <<<

category: JIS1
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 16
translation: hoof
蹄: hiZume: hoof, hooves (plur.)
蹄の有る: hiZumenoaru: hoofed <<<
蹄の跡: hiZumenoato: hoof tracks [prints] <<<
蹄の音: hiZumenooto: clatter of hoofs <<<

category: JIS2
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 9
translation: bite, gnaw
kou, kyou
咬む: kamu: bite
related words:

category: JIS2
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 9
translation: badger
狢: mujina
related words:

category: JIS2
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 11
translation: groan, growl, roar
唸る: unaru: groan (v.), growl, roar, hum, buzz, howl, whiz
唸り: unari: grown (n.), growl, roar, howl, bellow, humming, droning, buzzing, whizzing
related words:

category: JIS2
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 12
translation: marten, sable, ermine
貂: ten
related words:

category: JIS2
keyword: animal , legend
Number of strokes: 14
translation: tapir, a Chinese legendary animal who may eat bad dreams

category: JIS2
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 18
translation: cage, pen, corral, fold, sty, cell, jail, prison, handrail, railing, balustrade
kan, gen
檻: ori: cage, pen, corral, fold, sty, cell, jail, prison
檻: tesuri: handrail, railing, balustrade <<< 手摺

category: JIS2
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 18
translation: weasel
yuu, yu
鼬: itachi
鼬ごっこ: itachigokko: vicious circle, rat race, cat mouse game
related words: , ミンク

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