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Direct access: 冷戦 , 隷属 , 連合 , 連邦 , 連盟 , 連立 , 労働 , 路線 , 論争 , 歪曲


pronunciation: reisen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , politics
translation: cold war


pronunciation: reizoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: dependency, submission, servitude
隷属する: reizokusuru: be under the control of, be subordinate [subject] to
隷属地域: reizokuchiiki: dependency <<< 地域
隷属国: reizokukoku: dependency, subject state, tributary state <<<


pronunciation: rengou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , history , politics
translation: alliance, union, combination, federation, coalition
連合の: rengouno: combined, allied, united, associated, joint
連合する: rengousuru: ally, unite, combine, join
連合して: rengoushite: in combination (concert, alliance) with
連合軍: rengougun: Allied Forces <<<
連合国: rengoukoku: Allied Powers <<<
連合作戦: rengousakusen: combined operations <<< 作戦
連合艦隊: rengoukantai: combined fleet <<< 艦隊
連合政権: rengouseiken: coalition government <<< 政権
related words: 枢軸


pronunciation: renpou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , geography
translation: federation, union, confederation
連邦する: renpousuru: federate
連邦の: renpouno: federal
連邦国: renpoukoku: federated nation <<<
連邦政府: renpouseihu: federal government <<< 政府
連邦国家: renpoukokka: federal state <<< 国家
連邦制度: renpouseido: federalism <<< 制度
連邦主義: renpoushugi <<< 主義
連邦主義者: renpoushugisha: federalist <<<
連邦会議: renpoukaigi: federal assembly [council] <<< 会議
連邦議会: renpougikai: federal parliament, Bundestag (in Germany) <<< 議会
連邦警察: renpoukeisatsu: federal police, FBI (in USA) <<< 警察
連邦裁判所: renpousaibansho: federal court <<< 裁判所


pronunciation: renmei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , sport
translation: league, federation, union
連盟して: renmeishite: in league with
related words: リーグ


pronunciation: renritsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , physics
translation: coalition, simultaneity
連立の: renritsuno: simultaneous, of coalition
連立内閣: renritsunaikaku: coalition cabinet <<< 内閣
連立政権: renritsuseiken: coalition government <<< 政権
連立与党: renritsuyotou: ruling coalition government <<< 与党
連立方程式: renritsuhouteishiki: simultaneous equations <<< 方程式
related words: 同時


pronunciation: roudou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , job
translation: physical work, labor (n.)
労働する: roudousuru: work (v.), labor (v.)
労働党: roudoutou: Labor Party <<<
労働省: roudoushou: Ministry of Labor <<<
労働者: roudousha: laborer, working man <<<
労働力: roudouryoku: manpower, labor force <<<
労働組合: roudoukumiai: labor union <<< 組合
労働市場: roudoushijou: labor market <<< 市場
労働運動: roudouundou: labor movement <<< 運動
労働階級: roudoukaikyuu: laboring (working) classes <<< 階級
労働時間: roudoujikan: working hours (time) <<< 時間
related words: 勤労


pronunciation: rosen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train , politics
translation: route, line
路線価: rosenka: official land price (used for the taxation) <<<


pronunciation: ronsou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: controversy, dispute, debate, argument
論争の: ronsouno: controversial
論争する: ronsousuru: dispute (v.), debate (v.), argue
論争中: ronsouchuu: be in a controversy with <<<
論争点: ronsouten: point of dispute <<<
synonyms: 議論


pronunciation: waikyoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: distortion, perversion
歪曲する: waikyokusuru: distort, pervert

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