Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14
Direct access: 劇団 , 公演 , 興行 , 桟敷 , 撮影 , 座席 , 司会 , 仕手 , 芝居 , 終幕


pronunciation: gekidan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show
translation: dramatic company, troupe


pronunciation: kouen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show
translation: public performance
公演する: kouensuru: perform, play, present


pronunciation: kougyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show , sport
translation: performance, exhibition, show
興行する: kougyousuru: give performances, exhibit
興行団: kougyoudan: company, troupe <<<
興行師: kougyoushi: show proprietor, showman <<<
興行主: kougyounushi: promoter <<<
興行界: kougyoukai: entertainment world <<<
興行物: kougyoubutsu: performance, show piece <<<
興行権: kougyouken: performing rights <<<
夜興行: yorukougyou: soiree, night representation <<<
昼興行: hirukougyou: matinee <<<
related words: 巡業


pronunciation: sajiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show
translation: box, stand
桟敷席: sajikiseki <<<


pronunciation: satsuei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art , show
translation: photographing, filming
撮影する: satsueisuru: take a photograph [picture] of, photo (v.), photograph, film, shoot
撮影を禁ず: satsueiokinzu: No photographing, Cameras are forbidden <<<
撮影機: satsueiki: movie camera <<<
撮影所: satsueisho: movie studio <<<
撮影室: satsueishitsu: a studio (of photographer) <<<
撮影者: satsueisha: photographer <<<
撮影監督: satsueikantoku: movie director <<< 監督
撮影技師: satsueigishi: film operator, cameraperson, cameraman <<< 技師
撮影台本: satsueidaihon: a continuity
related words: 写真 , カメラ


pronunciation: zaseki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel , show , sport
translation: seat, place, pew, bench
座席に着く: zasekinitsuku: take (have) a seat, sit down <<<
座席を譲る: zasekioyuzuru: offer one's seat <<<
座席表: zasekihyou: plan of seats <<<
座席券: zasekiken: reservation ticket <<<
座席番号: zasekibangou: seat number <<< 番号
座席指定: zasekishitei: seat reservation <<< 指定
座席満員: zasekimannin: standing room only <<< 満員
related words: シート


pronunciation: shikai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show
translation: chairmanship
司会する: shikaisuru: preside, chair (v.)
司会で: shikaide: presided over by
司会人: shikainin: president, chairman, master of ceremonies <<<
司会者: shikaisha <<<


pronunciation: shite
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show
translation: protagonist (in Noh theater), leading part, speculator (in market)
仕手株: shitekabu: speculative stocks [securities] <<<
synonyms: 主役


pronunciation: shibai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show
translation: play, drama, theater (play)
芝居じみた: shibaijimita: theatrical, dramatic
芝居掛かった: shibaigakatta <<<
芝居をする: shibaiosuru: perform a play, act (play) the part of
芝居好き: shibaizuki: playgoer, theatergoer <<<
芝居に行く: shibainiiku: go to the play (theater) <<<
芝居見物: shibaikenbutsu: play-going <<< 見物
芝居小屋: shibaigoya: playhouse, theater (house) <<< 小屋
猿芝居: sarushibai: charade, crazy business <<<
紙芝居: kamishibai: paper slide-picture show <<<
related words: 劇場


pronunciation: shuumaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show
translation: the last scene, end, close
終幕を迎える: shuumakuomukaeru: come to an end <<<
synonyms: 結末

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