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Direct access: 教務 , 教諭 , 下校 , 高校 , 校長 , 校庭 , 高等 , 校内 , 後輩 , 公立


pronunciation: kyoumu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: school affairs
教務課: kyoumuka: instruction department <<<


pronunciation: kyouyu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: teacher
synonyms: 教師


pronunciation: gekou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: home coming from school
下校する: gekousuru: come home from school
下校の際に: gekounosaini: on one's way from school <<<
下校の途中で: gekounotochuude <<< 途中
related words: 登校


pronunciation: koukou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: senior high school
高校生: koukousei: senior high school student <<<
related words: 中学


pronunciation: kouchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: principal, schoolmaster, schoolmistress, headmaster, headmistress
related words: 園長


pronunciation: koutei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: school grounds, playground of a school, campus


pronunciation: koutou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school , law
translation: high (n.), height, high level
高等の: koutouno: high (a.), advanced
高等科: koutouka: advance course <<<
高等教育: koutoukyouiku: high education <<< 教育
高等学校: koutougakkou: (senior) high school <<< 学校
高等動物: koutoudoubutsu: higher animal <<< 動物
高等裁判所: koutousaibansho: high court <<< 裁判所
高等弁務官: koutoubenmukan: high commissioner


pronunciation: kounai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: school grounds
校内で: kounaide: in the school (grounds)
校内暴力: kounaibouryoku: violence in the classroom, student [school] violence <<< 暴力
校内放送: kounaihousou: school PA [public address] system <<< 放送
related words: キャンパス


pronunciation: kouhai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: junior, younger graduate
related words: 先輩 ,


pronunciation: kouritsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: public, public enterprise [sector]
公立の: kouritsuno: public (a.), prefectural, municipal, under public management
公立学校: kouritsugakkou: public school <<< 学校
antonyms: 私立

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