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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8
Direct access: 処分 , 審理 , 時効 , 示談 , 訴訟 , 逮捕 , 追放 , 生首 , 濡衣 , 剥奪


pronunciation: shobun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: environment , justice
translation: disposal, disposition, punishment
処分する: shobunsuru: dispose, clean up, punish
処分品: shobunhin: clearance goods <<<
処分場: shobunjou: garbage dump <<<
synonyms: 始末


pronunciation: shinri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: examination, trial, inquisition
審理する: shinrisuru: try, examine [inquire into]
審理中: shinrichuu: under discussion [examination] <<<
審理手続: shinritetsuZuki: examination proceeding [formality] <<< 手続
synonyms: 審査


pronunciation: jikou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: prescription
時効に成る: jikouninaru: prescribed, become time-barred, come under the statute of limitations <<<
時効に掛かる: jikounikakaru <<<
時効の中断: jikounochuudan: interruption [suspension] of prescription <<< 中断
時効の停止: jikounoteishi <<< 停止
時効期間: jikoukikan: limitation period, statute of limitation <<< 期間


pronunciation: jidan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: private settlement
示談にする: jidannnisuru: settle privately [amicably], settle (a case) out of court
示談金: jidankin: money paid by way of compromise <<<
示談屋: jidannya: go-between <<<
synonyms: 妥協


pronunciation: soshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: suit, lawsuit, action
訴訟に勝つ: soshounikatsu: win a suit <<<
訴訟に負ける: soshounimakeru: lose a suit <<<
訴訟を起こす: soshouookosu: go to law (against a person), sue a person (for damages), bring an action (against a person) <<<
訴訟上の: soshoujouno: procedural <<<
訴訟人: soshounin: plaintiff, suitor <<<
訴訟法: soshouhou: code of legal procedure <<<
訴訟沙汰にする: soshouzatanisuru: go to law (against a person) <<< 沙汰
訴訟行為: soshoukoui: acts of procedure <<< 行為
訴訟費用: soshouhiyou: costs of an action <<< 費用
訴訟事件: soshoujiken: legal case, lawsuit <<< 事件
訴訟手続: soshoutetsuZuki: legal proceedings (against a person) <<< 手続
訴訟手続をする: soshoutetsuZukiosuru: take legal proceedings (against a person)
訴訟代理人: soshoudairinin: counsel, attorney
訴訟依頼人: soshouirainin: client
訴訟当事者: soshoutoujisha: parties (to a lawsuit), litigants <<< 当事者
related words: 起訴 , 裁判


pronunciation: taiho
kanji characters: ,
other spells: タイホ
keyword: justice
translation: arrest (n.), capture (n.), apprehension
逮捕する: taihosuru: arrest (v.), capture (v.), apprehend
逮捕状: taihojou: warrant of arrest <<<
逮捕令: taihorei: order of arrest <<<
synonyms: 捕縛


pronunciation: tsuihou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: banishment, expulsion, exile (n.), purge
追放する: tsuihousuru: banish, exile (v.), expel, purge, deport
追放者: tsuihousha: an exile, purgee <<<
追放解除: tsuihoukaijo: depurge (n.) <<< 解除
追放を解除する: tsuihouokaijosuru: depurge (v.)
related words: パージ


pronunciation: namakubi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: head just cut off


pronunciation: nureginu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 濡れ衣
keyword: justice
translation: false charge
濡衣を着せる: nureginuokiseru: put (a person) under a false charge, accuse (a person) unjustly <<<


pronunciation: hakudatsu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 剝奪
keyword: justice
translation: privation
剥奪する: hakudatsusuru: deprive of

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