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Direct access: 菜の花 , 二輪 , 白梅 , 花園 , 花束 , 花畑 , 花見 , 花屋 , 花輪 , 薔薇


pronunciation: nanohana
kanji characters: ,
keyword: flower
translation: rape blossoms
related words: 菜種 , 油菜


pronunciation: nirin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: car , flower
translation: two wheels, two flowers
二輪の: nirinnno: two-wheeled
二輪車: nirinsha: two-wheeled vehicle, motorbike <<< , バイク
二輪咲き: nirinzaki: twin flowers <<<
二輪戦車: nirinsensha: chariot (of Roman Empire) <<< 戦車
related words: 三輪


pronunciation: hakubai, shiraume
kanji characters: ,
keyword: flower
translation: white plum tree


pronunciation: hanazono
kanji characters: ,
keyword: flower
translation: flower garden
related words: 花畑


pronunciation: hanataba
kanji characters: ,
keyword: flower
translation: bunch of flowers, nosegay, bouquet


pronunciation: hanabatake
kanji characters: ,
keyword: flower
translation: flower garden
related words: 花園


pronunciation: hanami
kanji characters: ,
keyword: flower , amusement
translation: flower-viewing
花見に行く: hanaminiiku: go to see cherry-blossoms <<<
花見の宴: hanaminoen: flower-viewing party <<<
花見時: hanamidoki: cherry-blossom season <<<
花見客: hanamikyaku: flower-viewing people <<<


pronunciation: hanaya
kanji characters: ,
keyword: flower , shop
translation: florist, flower shop


pronunciation: hanawa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: flower , decoration
translation: garland, wreath
花輪を捧げる: hanawaosasageru: place [lay] a wreath <<<


pronunciation: bara
other spells: バラ
keyword: flower
translation: rose
薔薇色: barairo: rose-color, blush <<<
薔薇色の: barairono: rose-colored, rosy
薔薇の木: baranoki: rose tree, rosebush <<<
薔薇園: baraen: rose garden <<<
薔薇の名前: baranonamae: The Name of the Rose (an European movie, 1986) <<< 名前
野薔薇: nobara: wild rose, bramble <<<
青い薔薇: aoibara: blue rose <<<

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